Its almost back to school *sniff sniff*
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Sadly can't remember where I got this. Somewhere on the internet. If its yours, thanks! Brought a tear to my eye and I don't even have a child. |
next up: first grade!
Good Bye Argentina...Hello Chile!
Josh had a blast in the Red Bull event. All the athletes skied great and put on a epic show for the spectators. The way this event is set up, there are jumps built on a big mountain face. Riders get to be creative throwing tricks off the jumps and shredding big lines. All the athletes were fluid and giving it there all.
Even though I was only spectating at the event. I had a blast. Hanging with all my new friends that I have met and shredding plenty of my own lines.
Josh and I head to Santiago today, for another chapter of the trip. Not sure which mountains we will be riding for sure yet, so stayed tuned for more fun!
Enjoy the pics!
Red Bull Beyond the Line |
Rock jibb from Red Bull event |
Endless amazing views |
Heaven! |
The Monster's Paw
Annie and Gus hanging tough in the apartment |
Over time I learned of a thing called Tortitude. Annie's coloring, a dilute tortoise shell grey with spots of peach, means she's a Tortie. In an article titled "Tortitude- the Unique Personality of Tortoiseshell Cats", the author of the ConciousCat article says, "In addition to their distinctive coloring, torties also have a reputation for unique personalities, sometimes reffered to as 'tortitude'."
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The Monster rules the apartment |
Book cover
Wraparound book cover
Commission to http://judygoodwin.deviantart.com/
Available at http://www.amazon.com/Heart-of-the-Witch-ebook/dp/B00AR5HMZO/
South American Adventure! Blog 1: Travel to Bariloche
Phase 2 fundraising underway
Now that the necessary funds to construct a new playground in Lucas Park have been raised, Friends of Lucas Parks is launching phase 2 of our fundraising campaign. These funds will be directed towards the improvements inside the rest of Lucas Park including a revamped irrigation system, new grass, extensive landscaping, and other improvements. The cash that we need to raise in the next month to fully fund these phase 2 improvements is $30,000. We are off to a great start as Emerson has issued a letter offering to match $15,000 in donations from Downtown stakeholders dollar for dollar. Therefore, if we can raise $15,000 from Downtown stakeholders, Emerson will donate the remaining $15,000, completing our phase 2 fundraising. You are hereby challenged to help us achieve this match. We appreciate your generosity to date and truly believe that with your help raising these additional funds we will be able to fully achieve the neighborhood’s vision for Lucas Park.
$5,000 donation from St. Louis Composting
Park Clean-up #2
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Lucas Park clean up #2 will be held this Saturday Aug. 18th starting at 8:00am. Our focus this week will be site prep for the new playground. Equipment and water will be provided. Hope to see you there! |
Nossas riquezas
Lower Lewis Falls
The falls looking good to go stoked we had a good level.There is a little bit of a gnarly factor about the falls there is a really shitty pocket on hard river left what you wouldn't want to end up in pretty easy to stay well clear of just boof that shit!!!!
Olin scouting.The move is to boof the little weir right of centre which should set you up nicely for the falls
Olin lining her up!!
Showing nice form at the lip of the falls
Looking nice and steezy
Myself lining her up
About to air a fat boof
I decided that I didn't really want to mess with the cave so just just boofed the shit out of it ,got a little stomp.The hit was nice and soft happy days!!!
Well stoked to tick of another sweet stout. Last year I was lucky enough to run the Upper Falls twice,the Upper Falls flows with high water and the Lower Falls you want low water!!!
Also big ups towards Brendon Wells who free wheeled the stout and styled it !!! (don't have any images)
Well stay posted for more updates
Heading back to BC in a week, cant wait!!!!