Assistam com muita atenção, e comentem o que acharam deste vídeo...
Uma Mente Aberta
A humildade ainda é um grande diferencial do ser humano. Nos dias atuais tem muita gente que sobe num tijolo e já quer dar discurso. Podem até ser bons mas falta humildade e com a falta desta fere-se a credibilidade.
Errar faz parte do crescimento. O erro é um indicador de ação. Um diamante imperfeito é melhor que um tijolo perfeito. Se falam mal de você, prove pelas suas atitudes e por sua maneira de viver , que eles estão errados.
Errar faz parte do crescimento. O erro é um indicador de ação. Um diamante imperfeito é melhor que um tijolo perfeito. Se falam mal de você, prove pelas suas atitudes e por sua maneira de viver , que eles estão errados.
Quando você é negativo ao falar, bloqueia todas as possibilidades e sempre encontra um “não” pela frente. Quando aprender a falar de maneira positiva, aprenderá também a materializar aquilo que fala.
Ao colocar um CD no computador, o sistema o lê para assegurar-se de que não tem vírus. É isso que você deve fazer quando chega um pensamento à sua mente: deve filtrá-lo através do seu espírito e compará-lo para então aceitá-lo ou rejeitá-lo.
Uma mente com pensamentos negativos se isola, se fecha no próprio mundo, torna-se rígida e se alimenta com as próprias crenças erradas, distanciando-se mais da verdade.
A mente humana é igual um pára-quedas que só funciona quando está aberto. Quem tem mente aberta é receptivo a novas informações sem atitude preconceituosa e sabe reter o que vale a pena e rejeitar o que não vale.
Pense nisso, um forte abraço e esteja com Deus!
Gilclér Regina
Constituição anti-“homofobia” para o Brasil: um sonho de Marta Suplicy e OAB

Recebi este texto do Sr. Julio Severo, e repasso em nosso blog, pois nos faz refletir sobre a situação das Leis anti-homofóbicas, as quais sempre existiram em nosso país, pois nossa constituição prevê direitos iguais a todos os cidadãos brasileiros, independente de sua orientação sexual, porém, o que esta implicito nestas alterações de nossa constituição, nada mais é, do que uma nova categoria de cidadãos brasileiros, privilegiados diante dos demais, a grande maioria heterosexual brasileira.
Julio Severo
A senadora Marta Suplicy (PT-SP) elogiou a Proposta de Emenda Constitucional (PEC), elaborada pela Comissão Especial de Diversidade Sexual da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB), que quer ampliar privilégios a indivíduos viciados em práticas homossexuais.
O texto tem a pretensão de introduzir na Constituição todas as decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) que favoreceram a agenda gay, inclusive a garantia de união estável para duplas homossexuais, com direito à conversão em casamento e adoção de crianças.
De acordo com a agência de notícias do Senado, “a PEC tem como um de seus principais ponto a criminalização da homofobia e estabelece a pena de dois a cindo anos de reclusão para aqueles que praticarem atos de discriminação e preconceito em virtude da orientação sexual de alguém. A mesma punição se estende aos que incitarem o ódio ou pregarem [contra a] orientação sexual ou identidade de gênero”.
Com a aprovação da PEC, a própria Constituição do Brasil se transformará num PLC 122. Mas Suplicy reconhece que a tentativa de transformar a Constituição do Brasil numa constituição anti-“homofobia” certamente enfrentará resistência de “setores como o da igreja”.
A senadora acredita que, estrategicamente, será importante aprovar primeiro o PLC 122/2006, pois sua tramitação está mais avançada, tendo já sido aprovado sorrateiramente na Câmara dos Deputados e restando apenas a votação no Senado. O segundo passo, na avaliação de Marta, é apresentar a PEC, que é uma matéria mais ampla e complexa. “A PEC é bem mais difícil de aprovar. Então, vamos começar com a homofobia e avaliar o momento adequado para fazer uma PEC com essa amplitude, que é realmente o sonho que nós gostaríamos para todo o País”, explicou a senadora à agência do Senado.
O Estatuto da Diversidade Sexual conta com 109 artigos, que alteram 132 dispositivos legais. O Estatuto criminaliza a homofobia, reconhece o direito à livre orientação sexual e iguala os direitos fundamentais entre heterossexuais e LGBTs.
Eis algumas dos “avanços” que o Estatuto da Diversidade Sexual propõe:
Legitimação da PEDOFILIA e outras anormalidades sexuais:
Título III, Art. 5º § 1º – É indevida a ingerência estatal, familiar ou social para coibir alguém de viver a plenitude de suas relações afetivas e sexuais.
Sob essa lei, a família nada poderá fazer para inibir um problema sexual nos filhos. A sociedade nada poderá fazer. E autoridades governamentais que ainda restarem com um mínimo de bom senso estarão igualmente impedidas de “interferir”.
Retirar o termo PAI E MÃE dos documentos:
Título VI, Art. 32 – Nos registros de nascimento e em todos os demais documentos identificatórios, tais como carteira de identidade, título de eleitor, passaporte, carteira de habilitação, não haverá menção às expressões “pai” e “mãe”, que devem ser substituídas por “filiação”.
Essa lei visa beneficiar diretamente os ajuntamentos homossexuais desfigurados tratados como família. Para que as crianças se acostumem com “papai e papai” ou “mamãe e mamãe”, é preciso eliminar da mente delas o normal: “papai e mamãe”.
Começar aos 14 ano os preparativos para a cirurgia de mudança de sexo aos 18 anos (pode começar com hormônios sexuais para preparar o corpo):
Título VII, Art. 37 – Havendo indicação terapêutica por equipe médica e multidisciplinar de hormonoterapia e de procedimentos complementares não-cirúrgicos, a adequação à identidade de gênero poderá iniciar-se a partir dos 14 anos de idade.
Título VII, Art. 38 - As cirurgias de redesignação sexual podem ser realizadas somente a partir dos 18 anos de idade.Cirurgias de mudança de sexo nos hospitais particulares e no SUS:
Título VII, Art. 35 – É assegurado acesso aos procedimentos médicos, cirúrgicos e psicológicos destinados à adequação do sexo morfológico à identidade de gênero.
Parágrafo único – É garantida a realização dos procedimentos de hormonoterapia e transgenitalização particular ou pelo Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS.
Uso de banheiros e vestiários de acordo com a sua opção sexual do dia:
Título VII, Art. 45 – Em todos os espaços públicos e abertos ao público é assegurado o uso das dependências e instalações correspondentes à identidade de gênero.
Não é permitido deixar de ser homossexual com ajuda de profissionais nem por vontade própria:
Título VII, Art. 53 – É proibido o oferecimento de tratamento de reversão da orientação sexual ou identidade de gênero, bem como fazer promessas de cura.
O Kit Gay será desnecessário, pois será dever do professor sempre abordar a diversidade sexual e consequentemente estimular a prática:
Título X, Art. 60 – Os profissionais da educação têm o dever de abordar as questões de gênero e sexualidade sob a ótica da diversidade sexual, visando superar toda forma de discriminação, fazendo uso de material didático e metodologias que proponham a eliminação da homofobia e do preconceito.
Contos infantis que apresentem casais heterossexuais devem ser banidos se também não apresentarem duplas homossexuais travestidas de “casais:
Título X, Art. 61 – Os estabelecimentos de ensino devem adotar materiais didáticos que não reforcem a discriminação com base na orientação sexual ou identidade de gênero.
As escolas não podem incentivar a comemoração do Dia dos Pais e das Mães:
Título X, Art. 62 – Ao programarem atividades escolares referentes a datas comemorativas, as escolas devem atentar à multiplicidade de formações familiares, de modo a evitar qualquer constrangimento dos alunos filhos de famílias homoafetivas.
Cotas nos concursos públicos para homossexuais assim como já existem para negros no RJ, MS e PR e cotas em empresas privadas com já existe para deficientes físicos:
Título XI, Art. 73 – A administração pública assegurará igualdade de oportunidades no mercado de trabalho a travestis e transexuais, transgêneros e intersexuais, atentando ao princípio da proporcionalidade.
Parágrafo único – Serão criados mecanismos de incentivo a à adoção de medidas similares nas empresas e organizações privadas.Casos de pedofilia homossexual irão correr em segredo de justiça:
Título XIII, Art. 80 – As demandas que tenham por objeto os direitos decorrentes da orientação sexual ou identidade de gênero devem tramitar em segredo de justiça.
Censura a piadas sobre gays:
Título XIV, Art. 93 – Os meios de comunicação não podem fazer qualquer referência de caráter preconceituoso ou discriminatório em face da orientação sexual ou identidade de gênero.
“O Estatuto da Diversidade Sexual é um avanço. Isso nunca havia sido pensado em relação às questões LGBT”, reconheceu Marta Suplicy, classificando-o como de importância “inquestionável”.
O Estatuto defende que o Estado é obrigado a investir dinheiro público para homossexuais que querem caros procedimentos de reprodução assistida por meio do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e também o Estado é obrigado a criar delegacias especializadas para o atendimento de denúncias por preconceito sexual contra homossexuais, atendimento privado para exames durante o alistamento militar e assegura a visita íntima em presídios para homossexuais e lésbicas.
Com informações de Renato Tambellini e da agência Senado.

Todos somos iguais perante Deus, e não podemos nos julgar melhores do que ninguem por sermos cristãos, homens, mulheres, por termos mais estudo, mais dinheiro, por sermos heterosexuais ou homosexuais... PERANTE DEUS SOMOS IGUAIS... e devemos ter direitos e deveres iguais na sociedade e na igreja, pois SOMOS ACIMA DE TUDO, OBJETOS DO AMOR SACRIFICIAL DE JESUS...
Pr. Maiquel Lemes Hellwig
What's on your nightstand?

This is my nightstand right now (although I tidied it up and took away the magazines.) And this is 'just' the nightstand which doesn't include the overflowing bookcases or the stacks of books everywhere that won't fit in the bookcases.
I ♥ books and always have! And some magazines too. Never been a fan of fiction, but I love learning, reading and holding, and flipping through the pages of a book. Love the computer too of course, but I certainly hope that books (and libraries) never go out of style. They sure won't at this house.
Support the Raise-a-Reader Campaign today to help increase awareness and raise money to fund children and family literacy programs in BC!
Click HERE to find out all about Raise a Reader!
Shanti Uganda's charity event "An evening of Art" is less than 3 weeks away!

The funds raised at An evening of Art will contribute to Shanti's work to reduce infant and maternal mortality in Uganda. This Ambassador really hopes to see you there as its going to be super fun!
It's best to get your tickets sooner rather than later as it usually sells out! Click here for tickets and more info.
five gratefuls:
am grateful for:
the crisp fall air that stayed all day. it's here.
the GIANT salmon caught this morning. on my plate this evening.
the naive confidence of a four year old painter. creating perfection.
country songs. lately.
and ryan gosling. ridiculously good looking.
O empurrãozinho que faltava
Há alguns meses, o pastor Maiquel me convidou para escrever no blog da congregação. Aceitei de imediato, já que escrever é minha paixão. No entanto, muitos obstáculos me impediram de começar a fazê-lo. O primeiro foi a dúvida de o que e como escrever para uma comunidade cristã, pois estou acostumada a produzir textos jornalísticos. Volta e meia me pegava pensando em assuntos que poderiam render uma boa crônica com um toque espiritual. Ideias que não se concretizavam, ora por insegurança ora por desmotivação pelo momento pessoal e profissional em que me encontro.

Até que no dia 2 de setembro, em um dos raros momentos livres, resolvi dar uma olhada no blog (fazia tempo que não acessava) e li o artigo sobre Motivação. Antes disso, na mesma semana, peguei uma pauta no jornal em que trabalho sobre a falta de motivação no trabalho que atinge 31% dos funcionários (tinha até um teste, e é claro que eu fiz). Pois fazendo essa reportagem, descobri que muitos dos meus desgostos profissionais eram por minha própria causa. Erroneamente, estava depositando minhas expectativas na empresa. E, na verdade, é em nós mesmos que devemos apostar. Como dizia o artigo sobre Motivação, “você é fruto de suas escolhas. Sua motivação e suas metas serão a sua realidade. Não vai acertar o alvo se não puder vê-lo. Nunca irá realizar seus sonhos se não enxergá-lo. Antes de conquistar um sonho, você precisa ter um forte desejo de vê-lo realizado, confiar que Deus pode levá-lo até lá, e deixar ele conduzir você até LÁ...”.
É engraçado como Deus procura nos tocar de diversas formas, em diferentes situações. Basta que saibamos aceitar e compreender as boas coisas que Deus tem a nos dar. Posso estar equivocada, mas eu acredito que muitas das coisas (boas ou más) que acontecem – e a forma como acontecem – na vida das pessoas são obra divina. E sempre servem para nos fortalecer espiritualmente. Penso que coisas boas servem para que reconheçamos a grandiosidade de Deus e, assim, alimentar nossa fé. Da mesma forma, as coisas que nós consideramos ruins para nossas vidas, contribuem para o crescimento pessoal e espiritual, talvez, seja até um alerta de que o caminho trilhado nãoé o correto. Particularmente, sempre procuro ver o lado divino das coisas. Digo divino porque, no fim, tudo o que é divino é bom.
Enfim, como o título diz, acho que esse foi o empurrãozinho que faltava para me motivar a escrever para o blog.
Uma abençoada semana a todos!
Até que no dia 2 de setembro, em um dos raros momentos livres, resolvi dar uma olhada no blog (fazia tempo que não acessava) e li o artigo sobre Motivação. Antes disso, na mesma semana, peguei uma pauta no jornal em que trabalho sobre a falta de motivação no trabalho que atinge 31% dos funcionários (tinha até um teste, e é claro que eu fiz). Pois fazendo essa reportagem, descobri que muitos dos meus desgostos profissionais eram por minha própria causa. Erroneamente, estava depositando minhas expectativas na empresa. E, na verdade, é em nós mesmos que devemos apostar. Como dizia o artigo sobre Motivação, “você é fruto de suas escolhas. Sua motivação e suas metas serão a sua realidade. Não vai acertar o alvo se não puder vê-lo. Nunca irá realizar seus sonhos se não enxergá-lo. Antes de conquistar um sonho, você precisa ter um forte desejo de vê-lo realizado, confiar que Deus pode levá-lo até lá, e deixar ele conduzir você até LÁ...”.
É engraçado como Deus procura nos tocar de diversas formas, em diferentes situações. Basta que saibamos aceitar e compreender as boas coisas que Deus tem a nos dar. Posso estar equivocada, mas eu acredito que muitas das coisas (boas ou más) que acontecem – e a forma como acontecem – na vida das pessoas são obra divina. E sempre servem para nos fortalecer espiritualmente. Penso que coisas boas servem para que reconheçamos a grandiosidade de Deus e, assim, alimentar nossa fé. Da mesma forma, as coisas que nós consideramos ruins para nossas vidas, contribuem para o crescimento pessoal e espiritual, talvez, seja até um alerta de que o caminho trilhado nãoé o correto. Particularmente, sempre procuro ver o lado divino das coisas. Digo divino porque, no fim, tudo o que é divino é bom.
Enfim, como o título diz, acho que esse foi o empurrãozinho que faltava para me motivar a escrever para o blog.
Luana Lemke Guterres -
found + familiar
i am finally feeling the fog of pregnancy-and-birthing-and-growing-babies lift with the change of the seasons. am tossing around thoughts of weaning my little nursling bundle.
it's been nearly four years. four years since i've had myself to myself.
with the lift of the haze comes the surge of creative energy. i feel like doing and making. which is so strange because only a few months ago i'd sworn off nearly everything creative and made plans to pack it all away.
explain that to me someone?
i am anxious to see what i'll do next. i feel the excitement in my thumping heart. the get-busy in my hands. have explored through old boxes of me piled in the garage to see how i've channeled this energy in years before.
i found:
mixed tapes.
love letters.
things i'd forgotten i'd known how to do.
think i still can? think i still can.
i'm going to need some good music to do it with.
we started our get creative today. lucas has wishing and hoping that i would give him a spare hour or two to get out this printer's kit. we found it at a used toy store downtown. it's the same kit my brother and i had when we were the kids. the same yellow rubber stamps. the same bottle of blue ink.
isn't it the strangest thing when your brain recognizes something so familiar.
we made a comic strip. ROgERS SPY MYSTERY - with a little g on purpose. because little g's just look so awesome! lucas has the gift of creating. an eye for the good stuff. just like me. and my brother jeffrey. and my cath-mom. and my grandpa dan. it excites him and calms him all at the same time. we spent the entire afternoon with our printer's kit. until we were nearly up to our elbows in blue ink. and maybe even a little on the tip of gavi's nose, too. gavin loved counting the letter stamps. lining them up and then reminding us over and over again, that those is NOT green ones!
i miss the mess. andrey said to me the other day.
your fabrics and projects all over the place.
your music turned up loud.
you lost in something you love.
Publication in Shadé (2010) and Shadé # 2 (2011) by Brancolina
Curated exhibition in Shadé (2010)

Curated exhibition in Shadé (2010)

Without a sound
Come back to life with Yoga!
Yoga Outreach is a Vancouver based registered charity. their mission is to identify, develop and deliver healing and life-affirming yoga programs to people who can not directly access these resources. Yoga Outreach partners with volunteer teachers and facilities and organizations to provide free yoga.
To find out more about this wonderful charity and the challenge click here
Great advice

Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish them. - Unknown
Luteranos e farrapos
Estamos no período mais importante para o povo gaúcho, que, ao contrário da Semana da Pátria, é celebrado com muito amor e orgulho – característica particular do gaúcho, comparado ao resto do Brasil. Aliás, somos conhecidos nas demais regiões do País por esse patriotismo próprio, seja cantando o Hino Rio-grandense, seja carregando o chimarrão para todo o lado, seja mantendo alguns costumes passados entre gerações, ou seja, Nossas Raízes (lema desta edição do evento).
Nós, como luteranos, aproveitamos esse orgulho para compartilhar e envolver pessoas nesse período, podendo disseminar a palavra de Deus. Neste segundo ano de celebração da Semana Farroupilha, a Congregação São Lucas deu passos mais largos. Conseguimos construir um galpão e participamos da abertura dos eventos na cidade, levando uma centelha da Chama Crioula para nossa comunidade. Para dar mais realidade ao nosso espaço, hospedamos até cavalo e ovelha. Tudo para não fugir aos costumes do nosso povo, sem esquecer do nosso Criador. É um momento a mais de nos reunir como família cristã.
Voltando aos costumes passados entre gerações, é bom lembrar que nós, luteranos, temos nossa participação também na Revolução Farroupilha (1835-1845). Friedrich Christian Klingelhöffer, o terceiro pastor a desembarcar no Rio Grande do Sul, instalando-se em São Leopoldo em 1826, morreu em combate em 1838, pelas tropas imperiais. Em 2005, a comunidade luterana de Campo Bom inaugurou um memorial ao Pastor Farrapo, como ficou conhecido. Klingelhöffer ingressou na guerra na tentativa de obter junto ao governo brasileiro o cumprimento das promessas que lhe haviam sido feitas antes de vir para o Brasil. Uma das promessas dos imigrantes era de plena liberdade religiosa, mas a Constituição outorgada por D. Pedro I em 1824 não permitia outras religiões além da católica-romana. Assim, os luteranos não poderiam ter uma igreja típica (com torre e sino) nem auxílio financeiro do governo. A liberdade de culto só foi aceita e legalizada após a proclamação da República (1889), tornando-se norma constitucional em 1891.
Johann Georg Ehlers, o primeiro pastor a chegar em São Leopoldo, em 1824, também foi refém da revolução. Como a colônia alemã estava dividida, Ehlers foi acusado de ser simpatizante do movimento revolucionário e ficou sete meses preso. Após a guerra, foi transferido para o Rio de Janeiro, onde faleceu em 1850.
Hoje, sem guerras, podemos voltar a participar desse momento marcante de nossa história. E, quem sabe, no futuro, seremos lembrados por ter reacendido a chama do movimento religioso-tradicionalista.
Uma semana abençoada a todos!
Luana Lemke Guterres
2011, Publication in Azurebumble (2 by 2)
A selection of abstract and minimal imagery (photography, architecture, graphic design and art).
These works can also be found as part of a sequence of images here: Aesthetic Investigations
A selection of abstract and minimal imagery (photography, architecture, graphic design and art).
These works can also be found as part of a sequence of images here: Aesthetic Investigations
Le spectateur
Videos Semana Farroupilha - Chama Crioula
Com toda a Certeza, um momento unico na vida de todos nós que estivemos diretamente evolvidos nesta empreitada de buscar a Chama Crioula no Parque Eduardo Gomes, uma sensação inexplicavel.
"Nunca imaginei que a mistura de tradição, amor pelo RS, fé, amizade e campeirismo fosse tão gratificante." (Leandro Lemke)
"Para o próximo ano fica um novo desafio: fazermos tudo de novo, se possível, ainda com algumas melhorias e se o Patrão Celeste nos permitir, desfilaremos no 20 de Setembro e realizaremos mais um sonho. E Viva o Rio Grande Tchê! " (Leandro Lemke)
E que Venha 2012...
2011, Exhibition
YSE Magazine exibition curated by Fernando Prats for the benefit of ****contrasted gallery by Manuel Diumenjó.

Sunless 1
YSE Magazine exibition curated by Fernando Prats for the benefit of ****contrasted gallery by Manuel Diumenjó.

Sunless 1
Publications in Y Sin Embargo
Art direction & design by Fernando Prats
YSE 23, “to have or not to be?”, 21/03/2010
with Wilma Eras
YSE 24, in-between the net, 21/06/2010.
making sense of social networks: a (short) photographic journey
YSE 25, just a memory, 21/09/2010
Making memories
YSE 26, uroborus, 21/12/2010
stories without explanation
YSE 27, in-significant, 21/03/2011
repetition in (in)significance
YSE 28, me/END/you, 21/06/2011
YSE 29, Last/s, 21/09/2011
Art direction & design by Fernando Prats
YSE 23, “to have or not to be?”, 21/03/2010
with Wilma Eras
YSE 24, in-between the net, 21/06/2010.
making sense of social networks: a (short) photographic journey
YSE 25, just a memory, 21/09/2010
Making memories
YSE 26, uroborus, 21/12/2010
stories without explanation
YSE 27, in-significant, 21/03/2011
repetition in (in)significance
YSE 28, me/END/you, 21/06/2011
YSE 29, Last/s, 21/09/2011
Ghosts, Magic and Science
Located an hour east of Seattle, Index Washington sits on the North Fork of the Skykomish River, just above its confluence with the main channel of the Skykomish a small river that the passing train crosses over on its way across the north Cascades. The 150 inhabitants live in the woods by the river and wake to the sights of Mount Index, Mount Baring and the vertical granite of the Upper Town Wall.

On Sunday mornings, bells ring in the town church. Some of the residents are god fearing people. Some residents are pagans with pentacles, five-pointed stars contained within a circle. The five points of the star represent the four classic elements. The pagans believe in a fifth element as well. The little town in the mountains hosts a variety of beliefs. Stories exist of ghosts, of magic and of science.

Index climbing involves blue collar science. The 80 degree slabs involve boulder problems between no hands rests. The routes feel extremely sandbagged. Climbing in good conditions in Index is rare. Summer is hot with the Lower and Upper Town Walls in the sun. Winters are rainy and there are few steep routes to climb on. Sometimes in the fall, when the clouds sit just right, Index can be perfect. That’s the magic time in Index and that’s when everything gets sent.
In 1984 the Department of Natural Resources granted the Robbins Company, whose equipment helped dig the chunnel between Great Britain and France, the right to test mine in Index. Using a Mobile Miner, an enormous digging machine, the company bore a 12’ x 21’ by 278’ tunnel in the wall and removed 3,000 cubic yards of material. Local climbers argued against the heavy machining and the Robbins Company voluntarily ceased their digging, allowing for the University of Washington Gravity Lab to use the tunnel at the Country climbing crag for research.

The fifth force may exist. Elementary particles interact with each other through four different forces: gravity, electromagnetism and strong and weak interaction- known as “strong” and “weak nuclear force” respectively. Tests on gravitational constant have been recorded in a deep borehole in the Greenland ice sheet, an Australian mine shaft and onboard the USS Dolphin submarine while it was deeply submerged. These tests search for discrepancies between the estimated and the actual forces, for the existence of a fifth force. Being close to a known large mass allows for a constant in the tests. The University of Washington Gravity Lab used the tunnel in Index to search for the fifth force. Scientists invent magic.
The vertical granite of the 600 foot Upper Town Wall hosts a number of quality free climbs. The Davis-Holland, the easiest route on the formation at 5.10b, follows a crack line on the west face. Next door is Rise and Fall, followed by Green Dragon, Town Crier and a host of other “5.12” routes. I hiked to the top of the Town Wall with a seventy meter rope and dropped it down the face. Using two mini-traxions, I rappelled down seventy meters and then climbed back up using the mini-traxions to arrest my falls. Being alone on the wall, working through the tech nine climbing of Rise and Fall, was one of the best experiences I’ve had in awhile. I used to free solo longer routes a lot. Working the route, along on the wall gave me a lot of the same feelings. I enjoyed the solo time.
The local hardmen of Index are an interesting crew. Andrew Philbin’s mom belays him occasionally and almost always on his hardest sends. When Andrew projected the tech-nine arête Amandala (5.13c) at the Lower town Wall, his mom belayed him on the rig. With encouragement from his mommy, Andrew sent and earned notoriety in the Washington climbing community for his ascent of the “Mom”dala. Andrew’s mom believes in him.

Philbin wrote about our recon of Good Girls like Bad Boys, a 6 pitch 5.12 route off of Madsen Ledge on the Upper Wall. “We used The Ave (5.8) as an approach pitch; not the most elegant outing even if you are fond of thorns, spiders and dirt. “ Philbin lead the first two pitches off Madsen Ledge, a pitch of 11c and a pitch of 5.12. While Drew managed to figure out the difficult slab mantle on the 5.12 pitch, the hard climbing proved my ineptitude on this style of climbing and we retreated as darkness fell. I vowed to return.
Mikey, the other master of Index, and I hiked past the Upper Town Wall. The technical climbing had worked me and Schaefer wanted to get back into shape.
“I’m gonna send on my last try,” I told Mikey at the base of Attractive Nuisance a route at the Outdoor Hangboard. The route follows a steep corner. A slab on the left side and overhanging incut granite holds on the right require drop knees, shoulder scums and wild body movement. Initially, the route was rated 5.13. In the new guidebook Daryl Kramer downgraded the route to 5.12c. Mikey tried the route 8 times before he sent. It took me 9. It’s hard to know what to believe sometimes. I do believe that I did it though.
Locals hang signs outside their houses. No trespassing. Private Property. Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again. Index residents are known for having 12 Gauge Iqs.
Built in 1898 to serve train passengers heading over Stevens Pass, the Bush House served as a hub for the small town of Index. Mrs. Bush, the owner, greeted travelers at the the train, ringing a bell and calling out “Bush House Hotel.” The Bush House served as a hub for the town, being the only place large enough to accommodate sizeable gatherings. Index’s largest building shut down when Snohomish County revoked the hotel's occupancy permit because of structural and public safety concerns. The hotel’s disrepair, the poor foundation and the collapsing structure, were just part of the concerns.

Concrete tiles run perpendicular to the steel rails. Every other tile has a scuff mark, the white blasted line where metal hanging from the train connectors gouged the tile. This is what kills people on the train luge. Lay between tracks. Face up. Listen to the roar. Watch the sky vibrate. Hold still and the Amtrak will clear your body. If a chain hangs from the caboose, the train luge becomes serious. It’s possible. It just involves laying beneath the tracks and believing you’ll be ok.
1907- Annabelle stayed at the hotel while her newly married husband worked in the Monte Cristo mine. Prospectors found rich surface deposits in the area but the past few years had been less fruitful. Annabel’s husband thought he could revive the mine, make money to support his new wife and build a family in Index. While eating dinner at table 2, a group of train passengers entered the hotel’s restaurant with news of a catastrophic accident in the mine. The rains of the past few days had flooded the mine, destroying much of the infrastructure. “Everyone died,” they said. Annabelle sat in shock fiddling with the silverware at her table. She left her food, returned to room 9, packed her bags and hung herself. Her husband returned a few days latter after narrowly escaping the accident. When he discovered her dead, he killed himself too. The ghost of a woman in a white dress walks through the hotel at night. Tears run down her face and onto her deeply bruised neck. When the hotel restaurant was open, visitors complained that the silverware at table 2 shifted while they were eating.

We started hiking in the dark and reached the top as the sun rose. Jessica Campbell, a friend from nearby Leavenworth, and I rappelled into the crux pitches of Green Dragon. The classic Washington aid line goes free at 13- with a couple of face variations around the original aid line. Justen Sjong and Ben Gilkinson freed the route recently and gave it modern (read not sandbagged) grades. The last two pitches of 12c and 13a are the crux and we worked out the moves early in the morning. But soon, the sun was over Baring. The rock heated quickly. Our feet burned in our black shoes. Climbing became impossible. We retreated to the summit.

WSGS, the Washington State Ghost Society, investigated the paranormal activity at the Bush House a few years ago. The group spent the night, setting up video cameras and tape recorders to capture EVP, electromagnetic voice phenomenon. I’m not sure how the advanced scientific equipment worked. Probably like the fifth force testing. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” Arthur Clarke. In the morning when they reviewed their footage, the white silhouette of a small boy appeared running near the shed behind the Bush House. They heard his screams on the tape recorder. Interviews with locals revealed that a boy had been murdered in the shed. Or so the stories go.

“This is the hardest pitch in the world, “ Mikey’s yell soaked into the mist of the Upper Town Wall. Our one headlamp jumped across the Upper Town Wall. Earlier that afternoon, Mikey redpointed the crux pitch. He managed the third pitch, put together the fourth, and the fifth. When darkness fell, he started up the last difficult 5.11 pitch. With a scream, the light of the headlamp levitated upward. The mist hid the moon. The air was cold and the rock colder. It was the magic time in Index. Mikey sent the pitch and took us through the difficult climbing to the summit. When it was my turn, I couldn’t figure out how he ascended the blank expanse of vertical rock. The fifth force? I pulled through and soon joined Mikey on his successful ground up ascent of Good Girls Like Bad Boys. It had been a daunting prospect but Mikey had succeeded. He believed.
Rain wet the trail on the hike down from the Upper Town Wall. My headlamp picked out a newt walking down the trail, I’d seen a fist sized frog and a large snake hiking with Drew. Thumb sized brown spiders weaved webs between the trees. Where the pagans in this town because of these animals? Why were the scientists experimenting with the fifth force in a place like Index? What else lived in Index? I wanted to find magic in the woods.
Previous owners nailed plywood to the windows and doors of the Bush Hotel. A small opening just pass a No Trespassing sign and above a piece of plywood, allowed entrance. I stared into the room full of dust and old couches wondering if I should go in. The voices of dead people sang in my ear. I turned off my Ipod and the voices ended. A little bit of the magic stopped. I turned around, and went back to my car. I was afraid of seeing ghosts. I was more scared of not seeing one. Finding a boring reality is more frightening than having those unknown possibilities, even dreadful ones. I want to live in a world of imagination. I want to believe in ghosts, magic and science.

On Sunday mornings, bells ring in the town church. Some of the residents are god fearing people. Some residents are pagans with pentacles, five-pointed stars contained within a circle. The five points of the star represent the four classic elements. The pagans believe in a fifth element as well. The little town in the mountains hosts a variety of beliefs. Stories exist of ghosts, of magic and of science.

Index climbing involves blue collar science. The 80 degree slabs involve boulder problems between no hands rests. The routes feel extremely sandbagged. Climbing in good conditions in Index is rare. Summer is hot with the Lower and Upper Town Walls in the sun. Winters are rainy and there are few steep routes to climb on. Sometimes in the fall, when the clouds sit just right, Index can be perfect. That’s the magic time in Index and that’s when everything gets sent.
In 1984 the Department of Natural Resources granted the Robbins Company, whose equipment helped dig the chunnel between Great Britain and France, the right to test mine in Index. Using a Mobile Miner, an enormous digging machine, the company bore a 12’ x 21’ by 278’ tunnel in the wall and removed 3,000 cubic yards of material. Local climbers argued against the heavy machining and the Robbins Company voluntarily ceased their digging, allowing for the University of Washington Gravity Lab to use the tunnel at the Country climbing crag for research.

The fifth force may exist. Elementary particles interact with each other through four different forces: gravity, electromagnetism and strong and weak interaction- known as “strong” and “weak nuclear force” respectively. Tests on gravitational constant have been recorded in a deep borehole in the Greenland ice sheet, an Australian mine shaft and onboard the USS Dolphin submarine while it was deeply submerged. These tests search for discrepancies between the estimated and the actual forces, for the existence of a fifth force. Being close to a known large mass allows for a constant in the tests. The University of Washington Gravity Lab used the tunnel in Index to search for the fifth force. Scientists invent magic.
The vertical granite of the 600 foot Upper Town Wall hosts a number of quality free climbs. The Davis-Holland, the easiest route on the formation at 5.10b, follows a crack line on the west face. Next door is Rise and Fall, followed by Green Dragon, Town Crier and a host of other “5.12” routes. I hiked to the top of the Town Wall with a seventy meter rope and dropped it down the face. Using two mini-traxions, I rappelled down seventy meters and then climbed back up using the mini-traxions to arrest my falls. Being alone on the wall, working through the tech nine climbing of Rise and Fall, was one of the best experiences I’ve had in awhile. I used to free solo longer routes a lot. Working the route, along on the wall gave me a lot of the same feelings. I enjoyed the solo time.
The local hardmen of Index are an interesting crew. Andrew Philbin’s mom belays him occasionally and almost always on his hardest sends. When Andrew projected the tech-nine arête Amandala (5.13c) at the Lower town Wall, his mom belayed him on the rig. With encouragement from his mommy, Andrew sent and earned notoriety in the Washington climbing community for his ascent of the “Mom”dala. Andrew’s mom believes in him.

Philbin wrote about our recon of Good Girls like Bad Boys, a 6 pitch 5.12 route off of Madsen Ledge on the Upper Wall. “We used The Ave (5.8) as an approach pitch; not the most elegant outing even if you are fond of thorns, spiders and dirt. “ Philbin lead the first two pitches off Madsen Ledge, a pitch of 11c and a pitch of 5.12. While Drew managed to figure out the difficult slab mantle on the 5.12 pitch, the hard climbing proved my ineptitude on this style of climbing and we retreated as darkness fell. I vowed to return.
Mikey, the other master of Index, and I hiked past the Upper Town Wall. The technical climbing had worked me and Schaefer wanted to get back into shape.
“I’m gonna send on my last try,” I told Mikey at the base of Attractive Nuisance a route at the Outdoor Hangboard. The route follows a steep corner. A slab on the left side and overhanging incut granite holds on the right require drop knees, shoulder scums and wild body movement. Initially, the route was rated 5.13. In the new guidebook Daryl Kramer downgraded the route to 5.12c. Mikey tried the route 8 times before he sent. It took me 9. It’s hard to know what to believe sometimes. I do believe that I did it though.
Locals hang signs outside their houses. No trespassing. Private Property. Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again. Index residents are known for having 12 Gauge Iqs.
Built in 1898 to serve train passengers heading over Stevens Pass, the Bush House served as a hub for the small town of Index. Mrs. Bush, the owner, greeted travelers at the the train, ringing a bell and calling out “Bush House Hotel.” The Bush House served as a hub for the town, being the only place large enough to accommodate sizeable gatherings. Index’s largest building shut down when Snohomish County revoked the hotel's occupancy permit because of structural and public safety concerns. The hotel’s disrepair, the poor foundation and the collapsing structure, were just part of the concerns.

Concrete tiles run perpendicular to the steel rails. Every other tile has a scuff mark, the white blasted line where metal hanging from the train connectors gouged the tile. This is what kills people on the train luge. Lay between tracks. Face up. Listen to the roar. Watch the sky vibrate. Hold still and the Amtrak will clear your body. If a chain hangs from the caboose, the train luge becomes serious. It’s possible. It just involves laying beneath the tracks and believing you’ll be ok.
1907- Annabelle stayed at the hotel while her newly married husband worked in the Monte Cristo mine. Prospectors found rich surface deposits in the area but the past few years had been less fruitful. Annabel’s husband thought he could revive the mine, make money to support his new wife and build a family in Index. While eating dinner at table 2, a group of train passengers entered the hotel’s restaurant with news of a catastrophic accident in the mine. The rains of the past few days had flooded the mine, destroying much of the infrastructure. “Everyone died,” they said. Annabelle sat in shock fiddling with the silverware at her table. She left her food, returned to room 9, packed her bags and hung herself. Her husband returned a few days latter after narrowly escaping the accident. When he discovered her dead, he killed himself too. The ghost of a woman in a white dress walks through the hotel at night. Tears run down her face and onto her deeply bruised neck. When the hotel restaurant was open, visitors complained that the silverware at table 2 shifted while they were eating.

We started hiking in the dark and reached the top as the sun rose. Jessica Campbell, a friend from nearby Leavenworth, and I rappelled into the crux pitches of Green Dragon. The classic Washington aid line goes free at 13- with a couple of face variations around the original aid line. Justen Sjong and Ben Gilkinson freed the route recently and gave it modern (read not sandbagged) grades. The last two pitches of 12c and 13a are the crux and we worked out the moves early in the morning. But soon, the sun was over Baring. The rock heated quickly. Our feet burned in our black shoes. Climbing became impossible. We retreated to the summit.

WSGS, the Washington State Ghost Society, investigated the paranormal activity at the Bush House a few years ago. The group spent the night, setting up video cameras and tape recorders to capture EVP, electromagnetic voice phenomenon. I’m not sure how the advanced scientific equipment worked. Probably like the fifth force testing. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” Arthur Clarke. In the morning when they reviewed their footage, the white silhouette of a small boy appeared running near the shed behind the Bush House. They heard his screams on the tape recorder. Interviews with locals revealed that a boy had been murdered in the shed. Or so the stories go.

“This is the hardest pitch in the world, “ Mikey’s yell soaked into the mist of the Upper Town Wall. Our one headlamp jumped across the Upper Town Wall. Earlier that afternoon, Mikey redpointed the crux pitch. He managed the third pitch, put together the fourth, and the fifth. When darkness fell, he started up the last difficult 5.11 pitch. With a scream, the light of the headlamp levitated upward. The mist hid the moon. The air was cold and the rock colder. It was the magic time in Index. Mikey sent the pitch and took us through the difficult climbing to the summit. When it was my turn, I couldn’t figure out how he ascended the blank expanse of vertical rock. The fifth force? I pulled through and soon joined Mikey on his successful ground up ascent of Good Girls Like Bad Boys. It had been a daunting prospect but Mikey had succeeded. He believed.
Rain wet the trail on the hike down from the Upper Town Wall. My headlamp picked out a newt walking down the trail, I’d seen a fist sized frog and a large snake hiking with Drew. Thumb sized brown spiders weaved webs between the trees. Where the pagans in this town because of these animals? Why were the scientists experimenting with the fifth force in a place like Index? What else lived in Index? I wanted to find magic in the woods.
Previous owners nailed plywood to the windows and doors of the Bush Hotel. A small opening just pass a No Trespassing sign and above a piece of plywood, allowed entrance. I stared into the room full of dust and old couches wondering if I should go in. The voices of dead people sang in my ear. I turned off my Ipod and the voices ended. A little bit of the magic stopped. I turned around, and went back to my car. I was afraid of seeing ghosts. I was more scared of not seeing one. Finding a boring reality is more frightening than having those unknown possibilities, even dreadful ones. I want to live in a world of imagination. I want to believe in ghosts, magic and science.

Even if you don't have time for anything else, take a few minutes each day to stop and focus on your breath. Incorporating a daily breathing practice into your routine builds a tremendous resource for bringing yourself back to centre when you are stressed, upset or disturbed. The ability to sit easily and quietly even for a few minutes frees you from tensions which drain your energy. Bringing your attention to your body and your breath brings you into the present moment.
this week:
i love when i have a calendar full of the best things to look forward to.
makes for a much happier monday morning. and i'm about to fill up yours, too...
this tuesday you'll find me out on the columbia river soaking in the sweet sounds of the beautiful sarah sample and her guitar. marilyn is doing her very best to bring good music to the tri-cities and this show is sure to send me home happy and anxious for the next. i'm leaving the babes home with andrey and a pizza, so that i can enjoy the evening. i'll be out under the sliver of moon, singin' born to fly. wanna come? let's go together. get your ticket here. hurry!
and thank you to my dear friend, marilyn for trusting my art/heart. the time spent designing this poster for the show was a much needed creative purge. i loved it.
i'm going to make gavi a quilt.
for his own space.
this dandee post and that quilt got stuck in my brains
and i've got a pinterest board full of inspiration.
...that's as far as i've gotten.
kristin has her colors picked, but no plan.
solution: girl's night. my house. with experts on hand.
this thursday. please come!
email me if you need directions.
happy monday, friends!
love, lin
Looks like I've got a favourite playwright
And his name is John P Shanley...
Choose Life over the other stuff. Get out of your head. Live. Dress up. Eat. Touch people. Help out. Give up. Love people. Give your best away. There's more. What's the problem? Relax. You're going to die. Throw a party. Eat off my plate. Sing to me. Meet me in the bedroom. Get a massage. Give one. Let your amazement out into the room. Pry open the box you hide your joy in. Be a poem. - John P. Shanley. Via Ntara.
Semana Farroupilha em alta...
Buenas gauchada...
Estamos com a Semana Farroupilha da congregação São Lucas iniciando muito animada e cheia de novidades e acontecimentos interessantes...
Estaremos postando os acontecimentos sempre aqui em nosso blog, e colocando fotos de todas as noites na ABA SEMANA FARROUPILHA...
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