I know I've been a lazy blogger these past weeks...

posting lots of you tube video's and quotes and not much more but...here's another one! haha! I couldn't resist. A huge thank you to a long time student of mine I cherish beyond words Carol for bringing this video to my attention. I thought I'd share too. Miracles happen in yoga class every single day and yoga really is for e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y. It's all in finding the right class and practice for "you". Us yoga teachers get to see students blossom  in every single class, and thats what keeps us doing what we do (it sure isn't the money)! 

It's better than money. So much better than money. The only thing this video is missing is a scan of the guys brain. I'd love to see it. Weight loss completely aside, this guy got his life back. Yoga is self care in the highest sense of the word. Send yourself and the people you love to yoga. There's no reason to wait.