It has been almost a year since i've come up with real news on this blog and that is just the way it goes . I'm just back from ticino in Switzerland where we stayed for five short and pretty warm days . Overall this trip was one of my best climbing trip , not only i climbed decently but more imprortantly i got to meet great people and got to know some other better .
I climbed five days out of five and managed to do these problem :
- Serre moi fort , 8A in chironico
- La grotte des soupirs 7C+ flash(+dab) in cresciano
- Jungle Book 7C+ in cresciano
- Boogalaga 8B in chironico
- Le pillier 8A in cresciano .
My main goal on this trip was to do vechio leone (8B) in brione , where we went two times ; first time we went there the boulder was wet , then we went there on our last day ,where i didn't manage to do it , which felt like failure even though i had a great bunch of excuses . I can't wait to go back to swiss to do this and some of the other climbs like general disarray , collateral , big paw and so many more i cant think of .
I'll try to put a little video together soon .