What a Good Doula really does...

Love everything this woman has to say! Its very important what she says about the pain/fear cycle, stress hormones AND working through issues before you arrive in the delivery room. Prenatal Yoga is without a doubt the ultimate in birth preparation. From keeping physical discomforts at bay and building the physical strength and endurance to birth a baby... to learning and practicing the breathwork (pranayama) to bring in energy, ease pain and maintain focus... the mental training is invaluable. And we practice it over and over (hence it being called a "yoga practice".) Learning to let go and relax "on purpose and at will" and the mindfulness training are tools that are absolutely priceless. Believe in yourself, find a Doula that you resonate with, and find a GOOD prenatal yoga class, and you too can have an empowering birth experience regardless of how things unfold. Find support and know that you really are supported in every single way. Because you really are. Namaste.