Take me somewhere I've never been; a place where the land meets the sea, the breeze is cool and your mind calms.
Introduce me to the friend you've known the longest, a dish at your favorite restaurant and a book you stayed up all night reading.
Feed me tales and sweet memories of your childhood.
Walk me through the details of your wedding day right up to the moment, with hope glistening in your eyes and your voice trembling you said, "I do".
Sing me the same soothing lullaby night after night; the one that helps ease my fears and dream vividly.
Tell me a secret and I promise to keep it safe in my heart forever.
Let me make mistakes and learn as I go, no matter how difficult it may be for you to witness.
Treat me with kindness and respect all the days of your life.
Read me a page from the journal you kept as a child so that I might have a glimpse of the dreams you had as a young girl.
Teach me the lyrics to your favorite song and whenever I hear it I'll feel closer to you even if we are miles apart.
Protect me, as best you can, from negativity, bullies and cars that drive down our street much too fast.
Help me see the good in people, root for the underdog and learn to forgive by building compassion in my heart and in my soul.
Cradle me in your arms while you smooth out my hair and tenderly run your fingers down my back.
Guide me through life as though you were my tour guide, exposing me to places near and far but always emphasizing the importance of home.
Look me in the eyes when you have bad news to share or we toast to those no longer with us.
Remind me, despite my flaws, how special I am and I'll do the same for you.
Comfort me with your words of love, honesty and praise.
Show me something I've never seen before, mom.
This post was featured on Natalie's blog, Mommy of a Monster, in her weekly feature, Monster Likes #26 on Saturday, July 16, 2011.