Everyone dressed up! There was lots of neon, lace, big bows, arms full of bracelets, skinny ties, flipped up collars, leg warmers and pearls. Even the 80's cover band, that provided enough dance music to last a lifetime, Orange County's own, Tijuana Dogs got into the spirit.
All of my girlfriends and I have been fretting about our "prom" attire for months and it turned out for many, Ebay was the way to go. Who knew? I, on the other hand, being the pack rat that I am still have my prom dress! With a little alteration to the bust line, I wore it! Crazy, huh?! I couldn't believe it still fit either. Or that I even kept it!
I tried to mimic my 80's hair style: big and curly and make-up: blue eyeliner and mascara. Although naturally curly, my hair doesn't quite take a curl like it used to. Even with half a bottle of mousse.
The cast of characters may have changed, hopefully we are all a little wiser. There were way more beer bellies, wedding rings and crow's feet this time around, but the music is still the same, my friends make the world a better place and I found myself wishing the party would last All Night Long, just like I did at my high school Senior prom.
THENMy prom date was my boyfriend at the time. He had just given me the watch I'm wearing as a graduation present. Lovely gift, but looks so out of place now.
Colleen and I and our rad dates.
The birthday girl and Matt, the Tijuana Dogs lead singer.
The totally awesome birthday cake!
I must admit, I had WAY more fun at this prom than at my own back in '91. Maybe it was the alcohol or the music, the company or the pure nostalgia of it all, but everyone had a permanent grin on their faces the entire night and my legs still hurt from dancing!
One of the best parts of the whole evening was being dropped off by Todd's mother, who was in town visiting us for the weekend.
She waited up too!
This post is for Wordful Wednesdays and if you want to link up or see some really beautiful photographs, please visit Alicia at A Beautiful Mess and see how she effortlessly turns ordinary photos into a works of art.