It can only mean one thing: It's officially the holiday season!
On top of all the preparations that go into Christmas: finding, wrapping and delivering the perfect gifts, capturing a suitable holiday photo for the yearly greeting card, addressing, stamping and mailing the cards, digging out the decorations, streaming the lights, selecting and trimming the tree, attending the gatherings and displaying and maintaining a sense of good will and cheer to all, we are moving!
We are on Day 12 of escrow and provided everything continues to go smoothly, we need to be out of our house the week of Christmas. Gulp. Happy holidays to us! Can you say "bad timing"?
Rather than freak out about about all the tasks at hand, I'm going to look at the bright side:
- We're no strangers to moving. Since I graduated from college, I have moved 10 times and my husband, three.
- Moving = purging and if not now, then when?
- We don't have to decorate our house for the holiday.
- It will be wonderful to start the New Year and a new chapter with a new address.
- Our holiday card can double as a "we've moved" notification.
- This could be the year I solely use gift bags without guilt instead of painstakingly wrap our presents.
- Lucas will enjoy playing in and with packing boxes, also known as cute photo ops. Too bad we can't put him to work.
- We have an excuse not to attend or more importantly host any holiday parties.
- Our gifts to each other can be items we need/want for our new home.