and preschool begins...
Lucas started preschool today. I'm so very sad that I couldn't be there, but we're thankful Oma can take him instead. I started to prep him on Saturday for going to school. If I had started too much earlier he would have been disappointed each and every day he didn't go. I had hoped to make an experience book ahead of time, but I settled for several books about school. It certainly prepped him for today. Oma took some great pictures today, and I will now make an experience book with pictures of him in it.
Reportedly there were few tears, and Lucas enjoyed playing in the play kitchen and with the train table. It was an abbreviated day, but I would call it a success.
This morning when I asked him who he was going to play with, he answered Nolan, and two of his teachers from John Tracy. Although it still breaks my heart, I'm excited that he still has strong, positive memories from our 3 week adventure in Los Angeles.
Lucas won't be back to school until Friday, because we have an appointment at CHOP on Wednesday. I can't wait to see what the rest of the school year brings for our little Lucas!