the morning started out in a scattered hurry. this usually happens when the church clothes don’t get laid out the night before and the boys don’t get soaked in the tub on saturday evening. but gavin woke up happy and andrey was willing to help and luc was already singing sweet happy boy songs. i ended up throwing on a pregnant-lady-tent-dress (seriously running out of options to cover this belly over here) tying my hair up in a pony tail and shuffling everyone out to the mini with bananas for breakfast.
we braved the walk-in-late and found a comfy bench near the front. just in time to raise my hand in thanks for my dear brother and his service to our neighborhood ward. just in time to hear his powerful testimony and feel a full heart.
this is not the first time his service in the church has blessed my own little life. i was reminded of the years he spent on his mission in spain that resulted in the baptisms of his three little sisters miles away back at home.
here i was today - years later snuggled onto a church pew with ALL of my boys. a bit disheveled but hearts full of gratitude that yet again, my dear brother’s years of service to this church have found me safely right where i was supposed to be.
a dear sweet friend of mine makes sure that the pulpit has beautiful flowers each and every sunday. these beauties are straight from her own rose garden. before leaving church to head home she caught up to me and asked if i would please take them home… “i can’t think of anyone who deserves these more than you today!” she said. and i love her for that. because i needed them. they’ve added such a sweet and happy calm to this house all day long. lucas and i studied them and picked our favorites. we gathered around them for a spontaneous family treat of ice cream and rainbow sprinkles in the middle of the afternoon. they caught the sunshine and lit up my whole home/heart. and i can’t wait to wake up to them and my happy boys in the morning.
happy sunday night, loves.