A Herb Walk

I thought I'd share this video because I find it sweet and very informative.
Todd Caldecott is a Medical Herbalist and Ayurvedic Practitioner with a practice here in Vancouver. He also has an amazing website chock full of information to help keep you and your loved ones happy healthy. His website is here

As much as the rain gets to me sometimes it is pretty amazing living in a rainforest where it is just so lush, and green, and fragrant, all year long.
Even in the dead of winter it is green green green....

We can't really complain having countless forests and the ocean for a backyard. Literally! I mean, who really even needs a backyard living here?

Anyways, enjoy this little video and check out Todds site.

But remember that medicinal herbs are drugs and should be treated that way. if you are expecting or breastfeeding always make sure that you check with your healthcare provider/midwife/herbalist/caregiver etc.