Been debating putting this out there yet but wanted to give you the lowdown on summer classes with me! (highlights in blue)
First off..Everything is a go. Full blaaaast!
**All but my two Baby & me classes** (keep reading!)
It's a little confusing but...
Mt.Pleasant's Baby & Me Yoga (summer session scheduled to start on Monday) got cancelled but... due to a barage of emails flooding my inbox "may" start up after all. **however it's unlikely it will happen on Monday (July 5) as planned.
It is quite likely to become uncancelled/reopened (just not until the following week- therefor delaying the start day until the 12th)
"I'l confirm in a few days"
I'll keep ya posted on here, or feel free to contact me or either Centre anytime!
My programmer is away until Monday and I'm not sure until "what time on Monday" he will return so that is why I can't give a definitive answer until I speak with him.
It's confusing but he's a super great guy and if the room is free (which I am 98% sure it is) it will be a go.
The Roundhouse Baby & Me is another story (scheduled to start on Thursday of next week ) Not likely to happen.
I haven't cancelled it yet but I am pretty sure I will be. I'll make my decision on Wed. (day before it is due to start)
If you want it to go, register asap.
Other than that...everything else is a go!!
It is going to be one fantabulous summer beautiful ones!
So, sorry for the confusion but I have been receiving a shocking number of emails lately and can't quite keep up so I thought I'd update you on here!
(I'll be updating again with the official verdict on both those baby & me classes)
Hope you are enjoying yourselves a glorious weekend! I sure am ♥