the Lucas card

I got this idea from a fellow blogger mom on the cicircle yahoo listserv. There was a string of discussion on how to deal with rude people and their stares/comments about CIs. She mentioned that she created a card that she gives out when people are being curious or rude. It reminded me of this post and my struggle also to deal with the stares. To give an update, I am finding my voice when it's appropriate, but I feel empowered by this idea of creating a card about Lucas's CI.

Being the bargain shopper that I am, I caught wind of this deal at Kodak Gallery for 50 free "mommy cards" (you still pay $3.99 shipping) and I decided to create my own Lucas card. I'll put one in my pocket when I go to the park, and I'll keep one in my toddler bag (no longer really a diaper bag). I'll let you know how it goes. I just got them in the mail on Friday and I think they look really great.

What do you think of my card?