
desktop empy
i was skimming through my google reader.  trying to decided where i need to let some things go. which blogs i really love and which ones are just taking up scrolling/life time. and in some crazy act of the cosmos – i accidentally deleted the whole folder. which surprisingly felt really, really good.

and i left it that way.
all weekend.
even through today.

scrolling through my blog reader is my morning cup.
it makes me happy.
it inspires me.

and then i am tempted throughout the rest of the day to stop by my desk and check-in.

i did a “reader-cleanse” a few months back. it sounds really silly – but i was so hesitant to delete a blog.
afraid that i might miss something. 
but i did.
and my morning reads got even more inspiring once i’d whittled down the list. 
to be completely honest -  i can’t even remember now - who got the boot.
which says something, doesn’t it.

so here i am. with an empty slate. and a little list of favorites.
a little list.

but i’m curious.

about you.
which blogs fill your cup?