i get sort of manic when i have a project like this. and i like it. i'm in my element one hundred and fifty percent. i've been a hermit holed up in my sorta craft room churning out ideas for these invitations. i'm like a mad scientist on the cusp of a secret grand formula.
this font with
that ribbon. no.
this font and
that ribbon. ah.
none of the above. it looks like a tornado has come through here. imagine me arms flailing tossing paper shreds this way and that way. ribbon coming out of my ears. crushed pop cans everywhere. the occasionaly weird thought will pop into my head. like, "i should really sweep" or "i better rent august rush before everyone else gets it." i'll then have to do something with that thought before i go on. which is cause for sweeping at one in the morning and an unwatched dvd that is due... um... right now. we're going on almost 48 hours here. and i love it. type. print. crop. tie. scan. wait for response. we've yet to come up with the final decision so i'm asking for help. my husband would appriciate it if i got some help. he's tired of eating macaroni and my body is tired of consuming one gazillion calories of peanut butter m&m's/movie popcorn/cream cheese brownie and dr. thunder. oh. and lucas would like to play outside. yeah, and i should probably shower, too. so, what do you think??
congrats to these two kiddos. happily ever...