lucas and A*love are tucked safely into bed. i snuck back up the stairs to do my unwinding. this very quickly could have turned into a post about how nutty my day was but i sat down here to do my homework. my five gratefuls. i've been thinking about them all week and decided that i was just thinking too much. the rules had to be much simpler. so here's the first five that come to mind. without order. without any expectations...
five things i'm grateful for/in love with:
one: my red plaid flannel blanket. true love.
two: movies with subtitles
three: feta cheese
four: when luc hums a tune while nursing
five: roadtrips that require a map
oh so many more where those came from. what are yours? my heart buckets get so full just thinking of things. i could go on for ages.
i have so many lovely things to look forward to the next few days. steen and i are taking my dad bowling tomorrow for our date. father's day on sunday to celebrate my favorite dad's (my own and luc's), a pedicure on monday, amy's jet plane flies in on monday night and an outdoor indigo girls concert on tuesday...oh how i love summer nights. man, does it get any better?
goodnight loves, lin