i've been makin' and breakin' new years resolutions for years now. i've had some really good ones too. so this year i'm keeping it simple. to start and update this blog. so much has happened to our little family in 2006 - 3 babies were born. our lucas jude, my neice sweet presley brynn and a nephew, valerie. my entire family, each and every one of us pretty much got to see what we were really made of this year and i'm sad to say that it's all documented in 3 different types of journals/calendars/mixed cd's and piles of pictures scattered randomly about. some packed away in our storage garage, some right here... patiently awaiting me to organize them. i have this beautiful journal covered in tapestry that danielle gave me when luc was born that i want to use as his "very own book". the pages are all still blank. i'm hoping that i'll be able to keep everything all in one place on here. this whole blog thing does have me feeling a bit vulnerable and i'm not sure how well i'll be able to open up my journaling brain-bins on here so we'll see how it goes.
it's late here. this is my free/quiet time. in the wee hours. i loooove it. luc is asleep here on the couch and that will give *A*love a few hours of deep sleep upstairs. luc is still very much the king of our bed. he's taken to growling at me in his sleep when he's ready for a drink...every hour or so. *A* and I... we don't sleep anymore. to say that we are tired is an understatement. we are exhausted to tears is more like it. but oh so much in love with this little lukey-tiger of ours. we tried getting a little crib to put by our bed. it's more like a toy box and clothes hamper. he must laugh at us when he finally closes his eyes for the night, then sprawls out on his half of the bed*
lucas's first christmas was so fun.

i found the perfect ornament for him at anthropologie. we'd taken a stroller day at gateway. before the craziness began. he nibbled on my coffee cake at B&N while i sipped mint hot chocolate and read magazines. i left anthropologie with my new PF Flyers (that are already well worn) and his sweet ornament. i bought sarah's "wintersong" and officially started "the holidays" for us.

he took his bath on christmas eve and put on his new pj's. i'd found him a good 'ol fashioned jack-n-the-box after much searching and plunked down the cash for the trumpette socks i've been drooling over.

we are so lucky to be here with my family for this sweet season. i'm a sucker for traditions and my tradition craving has so been satisfied.
*A* surprised me with a sewing machine for christmas. she's a beauty! and sounded so pretty when i tested her out to fix *A*'s pants. the creative wheels in my head are spinning overtime. i can't wait to get started. i'd been borrowing a machine in k-town and had to give it back finally when we packed up our stuff. i had even driven all the way to wyoming for a weekend with my gram to sew the nappy bags for my friends. i can't even wait to get started. can't wait. can't wait. i want to make anthropologie-type aprons for my lady friends and a few of the "wee wonderfuls" for luc and presley. maybe a kitty for cam and something pretty for faith's room.
this new year is so full of freshness. the possibilities are endless. i can't wait to see where we'll be a year from now. what adventures we'll have had... what paths we'll have crossed. i hope that you, my loves are all safe and happy and that life is being good to you. what's your new years resolution?
love, lola-lin