Getting Back Into It

A very quiet day at work last week allowed me to finally finish the giant stack of envelope blanks I had printed some time ago.  I had an assembly line of envelope shapes, glue, and eventually, tape.  I think I sometimes go a little overboard with tape, but I would rather the envelopes stay closed than fall apart in the process.  I have found that I enjoy envelopes made of colored paper much more than those of white paper.  It makes the letters I send much more noticeable without requiring much effort on my part.  Not that I mind the effort, but sometimes, I just don't have the time.

This is my outgoing mail for today.  I love the very simple geometric design I put on the envelopes.  It adds a touch of class to them without being too overpowering.  I still have some 10-12 letters to write, and I think I will continue this design.

I have even thought of putting the design on the paper I write on.  I really should try that before the idea slips my mind completely.

I think I'll add a full set of these envelopes in the Mini Mondrian contest.  Oh yes... many more goodies will be going to the winner.  Have you sent in a postcard yet?  I received 1 entry yesterday from Adam.

And as with most of the letters I am sending out - I want to apologize.  It is taking me far too long to reply right now due to my Phantom Elbow Pain.  I believe I have found the source of it, and have taken measures to deal with it.  Bear with me, folks... I will get replies out as soon as possible!