Incoming mail! And other things...

Color me surprised when I checked my PO Box today!  Not only was there one envelope waiting for me, but two!  The red envelope on top was from the amazing Missive Maven, and the large scenic envelope was from a blog reader, Stephanie!  I shall be responding to these shortly!  

Today - I joined Postcrossing.  I haven't requested my first address yet, as I wanted to finish the designs on the few handmade postcards I have been working on.  My artistic skills aren't quite that amazing, but I rather like the cards, so I hope whomever ends up with them does as well!

My job in the payment processing industry allows me to come across a large number and variety of cancelled stamps.  I have started collecting these to use in the future.  I will also donate most of the stamps that I collect to the FRCS Holocaust Stamp Project.  There was a similar project involving paperclips some years ago, and I was saddened that I could not take part in it.  But this project is just getting started, and I have all of the resources I need to make a donation.  If you haven't heard about it, a group of school children are collecting one cancelled stamp for every victim of the Holocaust.  I encourage you to click on the link and read up on the project.  Personally, I will be sending a box full of cancelled stamps their way!

Short blog post today, but I'm off to read and respond to these letters :)  Write on!