In The In Box

I spend a lot of time trying to stay staying up on my e-mail. And by that I mean, what we all do: respond, put off responding, organize into files or finding more satisfaction than is probably allowed by hitting the delete button.

If you're a mom, a blogger and a Twitter addict, like me, I don't have to tell you how downright daunting a full In Box can be. What with all the newsletters, blog subscriptions, blog comments and back and forth with family and friends, it's enough to make your eyes pop right out of your head. And now, Twitter e-mails me responses to my Tweets (anyone know how to cancel that, by the way?) It's all a bit too much for me some days. 

Especially when I've neglected it. 

I like for there to be less than 18 e-mails in my In Box, that way with the size I have my browser set to I can still see the very last one. It's the last e-mail my father ever sent me. 

Beyond 18 and his gets pushed down too far.

It's not even a great e-mail. 

The subject is sox and addresses but it was sent four days before he and my mother died so I will keep forever.

So strange that I'll never receive another e-mail from my father, but there he is, in my In Box every day. Right there with Groupon notices, Vlog Talk Weekly Prompts and tips on how to get your  toddler to eat more veggies. 

Just knowing it's there comforts me somehow. 

Except when I forget about it and then upon discovering it, my brain malfunctions for half a second and leads me to believe it's a new e-mail from him. 

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