In the past, I have subscribed to just about everything on the newsstand and nowadays I collect my magazines from a variety of places (I'll never reveal my sources!). I devour them from cover to cover, save articles that I want to re-read, share with others or might need some day. My might need someday pile is ridiculous!
Ever since I was in high school, I have used magazines to make collages. I would painstakingly remove the ring from my notebooks and cover the covers in photos I liked (think Guess ads and cute and furry puppies) and then used contact paper to protect them and then put the rings back on. It was quite the process, but it was a lot of fun for me. I covered notebooks for all my friends. And, of course, I saved my favorites:As a teenager the walls of my bedroom were always plastered in Tiger Beat pull out posters and advertisements from magazines. This was my room circa 1990:
Surprisingly, the one thing I never made was a vision board.
What's a vision board you ask?
A vision board is typically a poster-size board on which you paste or collage images that you’ve cut out of magazines. Right up my alley...
The idea behind a vision board is that when you surround yourself with images of who you want to become, what you want to have, where you want to live, or where you want to vacation and your life changes to match those images and those desires. Worth a shot, right?
In my women's group this week, we all sat around a table covered with glue sticks, scissors and heaps of magazines and let our subconscious minds take over.
I still have some blank space but there are lots of inspiring words (calm, breathe, dream), peaceful images (hammock on the beach, cocktails poolside), photos of places I'd like to visit (Greece) or return to someday (Paris and New York) and people I hope to meet (Dave Matthews). What?! It could happen. All of it!
I'll keep you updated on the progress and hope you'll consider making one for yourself. Or if you have already created a vision board, maybe it's time to update it?