Breast Massage

Breast massage may sound like a strange concept for some but did you know it has amazing benefits? For all the stages of our lives.

*including helping lactating mom's with blockages etc.

We know that yoga stimulates lymph flow and strengthens our endocrine and immune systems, but breast tissue is still fatty tissue that doesn't really get exercised in the conventional sense. Even with all the yoga I practice I have fluid filled cysts that come and go, and our breasts just change and change. Its hard to know what's happening in there! I found myself this morning thinking about an RMT friend of mine here in Vancouver who is extensively trained in breast massage and her name is Angie Mrau. This video looks fine for familiarizing yourself with your breasts but I really can't recommend enough seeing a professional and Angie's your gal (And remember, Massage therapy is covered by MSP)!

For more info on Angie Mrau click here.