What is Papergirl Vancouver?
"Papergirl is an art project from Berlin.
In the style of American paper-boys, rolled art pieces will be distributed by bicycle in the streets of Vancouver to random passers-by. Is that not the most amazing thing you have heard in a very long time??
It is to me. I love it!
Art should be accessible to everyone. That is the spirit behind Papergirl, the pedal-powered and volunteer ridden project that combines art, philanthropy, and bikes!
A redefinition of street art, Papergirls volunteer cyclists criss cross the city delivering art directly into the hands of perfect strangers.
From August 22 to 27 the Roundhouse Community Center (click here ) will display an assortment of donated artworks before the art is bundled up and given away on the street. It’s the art of giving away art.
THIS is the coolest thing in the world and YOU can get involved! For more info click here