A glass or three of wine usually does the trick, as does a long walk, sitting down for more than five minutes at a time, a long car ride, as long as I'm NOT the one driving and there is ZERO traffic and a massage.
I LOVE getting massages so I was thrilled when my husband told me that he booked us spa appointments for the day before Valentine's day. It had been over eight months since my last massage and I was really looking forward to it!
While it was very relaxing, my mind was in a million other places... here are my thoughts from the massage table:
Did I remember to lay out Lucas' jammies and overnight diaper for the sitter? Oh, why would I need to do that, she has put him to bed before.
No, tomorrow, there will be no time for exercise. Music class followed by play date...
Dang it! Why didn't I pee first?
At least I brushed my teeth. Whew!
Ouch, ouch, ouch, ahhhhh....
Why don't I get massages more often?!
I have to remember to drink more water tomorrow.
I should drink more water anyway.
I can't believe I haven't had a Diet Coke in six days!
Okay, that really hurts! What is this lady doing to me? I don't think my leg is meant to bend that way.
Shoot, I forgot to call my mother-in-law back. Again. When was it that she left that message? Oh yes, the day I took Lucas up to LA to visit Leah. Over a week ago. Gulp.
I hope Leah's interview goes well tomorrow. But, Malibu? That would be a hellish commute. I guess for the right job...
How do massage therapists do this every day? Touching so many people's feet would gross me out.
Did I bring the right bra?
What should I order for dinner?
That tickles.
Stop wincing.
Stop wincing.
I really wish I had peed first.
What is that heavenly smell? Is it lavender? Jasmine? Hmm... do I dare ask her? No, I do NOT want to engage!
Besides, I'm suppose to be relaxing.