I don't need to get one. more. thing. done.
I don't need to get sucked in any further.
I've spent enough time with technology today and the Internet will be here tomorrow.
What I need to do is rest.
I've had a headache all day and I told myself that I would crawl into bed as soon as Lucas was asleep. Todd is out with friends and I just started a terrific book, One Amazing Thing by Chitra Divakaruni. I was really looking forward to reading some of it tonight as I drifted peacefully off to sleep for a full eight to nine hours.
That was almost five hours ago.
I am visiting blogs, commenting on them, brainstorming posts of my own, Tweeting, responding to e-mails, sending texts, updating my Netflix queue and Goodreads bookshelves, playing Scrabble with three different people, catching up with friends on Facebook, posting photos to Shutterfly, making play dates for next week, researching, Stumbling articles and chastising myself for letting another day go by without doing laundry.
All the while, the battery life on my lap top dwindles. It started in the black at 100% and is now in the red at 18%. That's just embarrassing.
Please tell me I'm not the only one that does this!!
The Internet, I've decided is evil. It's the ultimate time sucker, pure and simple. One simple search leads to five hours of poking around and digging further and before I know it, I have nine tabs open and wonder how did I get here?!
I'm obsessed, that's how.
The better question is why?
Well, I am done with it. I'm stepping away from the computer. For tonight at least.
Lucas will be up and have his 'take me to Disneyland' face on in six hours, IF I'm lucky. Hmph, so much for nine hours of blissful sleep.