He takes it out.
He cooks,
I clean.
I plan date nights,
He books all our travel.
He watches our stocks, fights with our health insurance company and keeps us on budget.
I do the grocery shopping, pediatrician appointments and play dates.
I buy all the wedding, baby, birthday and Christmas presents,
He makes sure our cars are in working order, washed and full of gas.
I do the laundry,
He deals with the dry cleaning.
He records Top Gear,
I record Oprah.
He waters the lawn,
I buy fresh flowers.
I vacuum,
He dusts.
He handles all things electronic or that need assembly.
I buy Lucas' clothing, books and toys.
He gets up with Lucas at the crack of dawn so that
I can sleep in.
He works six days a week so that
I can push Lucas on swings at the park, visit monkeys at the zoo, listen to story time at the library and ride on carousels.
I am lucky.
He is lucky.
We both raise our son.