I have a few different things going on that I'd like to share!
1. Shanti Uganda Fun "D" raiser:
Some of you may know that I am an Ambassador for The Shanti uganda Society. An organization I happen to care a great deal about. Website here
I am holding my first fundraiser in my neighborhood on Saturday March 12 from 7-10pm at Our Town Coffee at the corner of Broadway and Kingsway (1 block e of Main St).
Details for the event can be found on my Facebook fan Page here or you could always email me at yoginilori@gmail.com
Hope you can swing by! I will have lot's of gorgeous jewelry and textiles on display lovingly made by the women in Shanti's income generating group (its the jewelry I wear all the time that many of you comment on)! I'll have a huge selection, and there will be live music too! Hollow Strangers and Paul Talbot have generously donated their time to entertain us (Our Town is also licensed for beer and wine as well).
This event is super casual. Feel free to stop by! I'd love to see you.
2. I will be putting a newsletter out very soon. This newsletter will only go out 4 times per year as reminders of new class sessions, freebies and events, and basically everyone on my email list will be getting one. Please know..you can opt out and unsubscribe anytime.
3. I will be giving a talk and Free Baby Yoga demo at The Roundhouse babies group this Thursday Feb 17 from 11am-12 noon in room C. Feel free to stick around for a full baby & me yoga class afterwards, same room..starting at 1230!
4. Registration is on for all my Yoga classes at the Roundhouse. If you want to ensure your program will run, register asap!
I've got:
-Prenatal Yoga 545-715pm
-Mixed Levels Hatha (always throw some yin and vinyasa in there so we get the best of all worlds♥) 730-900pm
-Baby and Me Yoga 1230-2pm
-Prenatal Yoga from 545-715pm
-Mixed levels Hatha 730-900pm.
You also have the option to double up and save by attending Prenatal Yoga or Mixed Levels twice per week if you like. To register click here
All Roundhouse winter sessions end tonight and on Thurs and the new sessions begin the very next week so register away! And the prices are as low as I can make 'em :)