But I do have a few...
I think we'd all be lying if we said that there wasn't a time when we wished we had gone left instead of right, accepted one offer over another, stepped out of our comfort zone, been a little bolder, braver, wiser, faster, showed up five minutes later, five minutes sooner, spoke up, volunteered, reached out, tried a little harder, or been the first to say "I'm sorry".
There's no going back now.
What's done is done and all we can do is learn from our choices and move on.
For me, first and foremost, I wish I had told my parents how much they meant to me, how much I appreciate the sacrifices they made for me, the childhood they gave me and the lessons they taught me. I wish I had said "thank you" and "I love you" more often.
Now for the stupid stuff....
I wish I had gotten my math and English requirements out of the way the summer before I started college. Those two classes caused me so much grief for five long years. It honestly took me that long to get them completed because each enrollment period, the classes would get so full that I couldn't get into them. It happened every semester!
I wish I had saved more money while I was in college and getting a substantial monthly allowance. I have absolutely nothing to show for all the money I frivolously spent in my 20's.
I wish I had dated more in college. I entered as a Freshman with a boyfriend and we were together on and off for four of my five years.
I wish I had taken more time after graduating from college to figure out what I really wanted to do with my life instead of accepting the very first $22,000/year job I was offered.
I wish I had done more with my Spanish minor degree. There was a time when I was pretty fluent, but these days I can barely converse with our housekeeper.
I wish I had lived in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Washington D.C. or Boston when I was young, single and unattached. I think I would have loved big city life.
In some ways, like energy level and not knowing any better, I wish I hadn't waited until I was in my late 30's to start a family.
Again, no real regrets, just a hand full of woulda coulda shouldas. What are yours?
All regrets aside, if I could relive my wedding day or the birth of my son, I would do it in a heartbeat and do everything exactly the same. :)