Please don't judge.
- I steal magazines from my doctor's office.
- I let the gas in my car get dangerously low before I fuel up. We're talking single digits.
- I have had the same three Netflix movies for four months. What a waste of $68!
- I color my hair and only wash it every three days.
- I screen my phone calls.
- I make our bed within minutes of getting up in the morning.
- I miss working.
- I want to rip a person's arm off if they take food from my plate.
- I listen to audio books when I walk.
- I cheat at Scrabble, but rarely win.
- I let Lucas watch too much TV.
- I watch too much TV.
- I record Oprah every day and I'll cry when this season is over.
- I have never read one single Harry Potter book, nor have I seen any of the movies.
- I don't like to eat leftovers.
- I think there should be a ban on onions. I love the way they taste, but can't stand the way they make my house smell.
- I can't get one hand wet without getting the other one wet too.
- I can rarely listen to a song without singing along.
- I can't stand people that can't show up on time.
- I stole some erasers and gum from a convenience store when I was in the fifth grade and gold charms with my BFF Sophie when we were in junior high.
- I use subtitles when I watch movies at home.
- I drive over the speed limit and have been know to tail gate.
- I'd rather send an e-mail than pick up the phone.
- I once "borrowed" a scarf from a friend that I never returned.
- I don't like fish.
- I still have thank you cards to send for gifts we received when Lucas was born.
- I recently bought a Justin Beiber song on iTunes, of course, if you got your hands on my iPod, you'd think I was schizophrenic.
- I floss my teeth (when I floss) before I brush them.