He has board books, cloth books, tiny little books and big over-sized books. Right now, he is really into books with flaps and has torn many completely off. I dutifully repair them and hand them back to him until the next time.
He has a ton of books that he can play with (chew) and "read" on his own then there are the "special" books, the ones he's not allowed to play with without adult supervision, the ones way up on the top shelf of his closet.
These are the books that only come out at bedtime; Where the Wild Things Are, Goodnight Moon, Harold and the Purple Crayon, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, Corduroy, Caps For Sale and practically the entire Dr. Seuss collection. Like many of you, I grew up reading these books and they remain special to me today. I believe Lucas knows the difference between these beautifully illustrated hardcover classics and his other books. If he doesn't, I hope he soon will.
This post was written for the word game, Word Up, Yo! hosted by the self proclaimed Nerd Mafia: Natalie (Mommy of a Monster), Kristin (Taming Insanity) and Liz (a belle, a bean and a chicago dog).