right now:

snow day 086

dear passionista:
right now:

+ a blanket of calm happy is covering this little house. thanks to the fresh-still-falling snow.

+ i’ve got a belly full of peppermint hot cocoa. sipped from a red holiday starbucks cup. (the first real sign that winter is on it’s way.) a surprise treat from my true love.

+ my growing-too-fast charlie babe is snuggled up and swish-swooshing in his happy swing.

+ joe purdy pandora station humming through my cozy home.
heartbeats/jose gonzalez (dreamy)
and the happy thought of lucas declaring that we dance instead of walk today.

+ boys and their dear cousins pulling a bright orange sled in the backyard. i can hear them laughing. i can remember that happiness, too… a declared SNOW DAY!!! on cleveland street growing up.

+ still laughing at the thought of mini gavin in full snow-play garb for the first time. thinking i’ll call him randy for the rest of the afternoon.

+ thanksgiving feast on my mind. must buy a turkey! today! and make a few of these sweeties for my loves.

+ finally felt like making a holiday wishlist. must remember to tell andrey!

+ wishing you and a collected other few of my favorites would join me by the toasty fireplace. for music and giggles and fresh-baked-somethin’-good.

happy first snow, my friend. i know you love this. today i will love it for you, too.

but just for today.
love, lin