My sister is on her way to Chicago to be an audience member on the Oprah Winfrey Show!!
Her roommate, Gina contacted the show and submitted a piece on the person she most admires and was selected to be on the show. I'm not sure if she'll actually be on the show, but she was invited to be in the audience because it's a topic that Oprah is covering on Tuesday, November 16.
Gina's inspiration is her grandfather Lou, a World War II Army Veteran and the reason behind her Pin-Ups For Vets calendar project. The nostalgic 1940's pin-up style calendars feature Gina and are sold to raise money for hospitalized Veterans, personally hand delivered by Gina to VA hospitals across the country and also sent overseas to our deployed troops.
Pin-Ups For Vets is a noble and worthwhile cause and Gina is fantastic at what she does.
Since moving to Los Angeles in January, my unemployed sister has been able to help Gina with her plight and because Gina's dear grandfather has passed away, she generously invited Leah to accompany her to Chi-town.
Now you know why I'm dying!
What I wouldn't give to be in Oprah's audience... especially this year, her last season of the show. And, for the record, I'm also a bit miffed that Leah doesn't even like Oprah. You read that right and I know what you're thinking, "Who doesn't like Oprah?!?!". Nobody!
I have been a HUGE fan for 25 years and Leah has always given me @#$% for worshiping her, recording her show daily and subscribing to her magazine.
I've never been to a Oprah Winfrey Show taping, but have had the pleasure of hearing Ms. Winfrey speak twice and saw her every year at BookExpo when I worked for a book publisher.
So there!
While I may be a green-eyed monster, I do sincerely hope Gina's project is featured on the show.
Have fun, girls. Oh, and if this turns out to be the "Favorite Things" episode, in which O shares (gives) products with her audience that she feels are noteworthy or that would make a great holiday gift, I fully expect first dibs on any and all swag you bring home. I would love an iPad. I'm just sayin'. :)