You Know You're A Mom When-sDaze
You know you're a mom when...- Inevitably, immediately after finishing your chores, just when you are about to sit down and relax, your child will throw up all over himself and the freshly cleaned floors for no apparent reason.
- You keep thinking: maybe this time he won't eat the crayons.
- You are shocked, amazed and more than slightly annoyed that when your son doesn't go to sleep until after 9 PM, he still wakes up at 5 AM!
- You are shocked, amazed and more than slightly annoyed that with all the toys your kid has, he wants to play with a stapler, sunglasses, clock, wallet and trash can.
- There will come a day when your tot will ask to have Cheez-Its for breakfast and you will give them to him.
- You're a little sad each time you have to retire a favorite article of your child's clothing.
Be sure to link up with your own You Know You're a Mom When-sDaze list at Mommy of a Monster.