The first visit was to Bates Nut Farm (the same place we went last year) and it was so hot that none of the toddlers were really up for picking or posing with pumpkins. Who could blame them? 102?! In October!
Lucas did get to ride his first pony, although he wasn't that in to it. I'm blaming the heat.
These were the only two decent photos out of 70 (!) that we got:
Two days later, it rained and was even chilly. Mother Nature, I'm not sure what you're up to, but the cooler weather made for much happier photos, that's for sure.
This time we went to the petting zoo first....
and then Lucas came face-to-face with his first scarecrow.
It's hard enough to get one toddler to pose and smile for the camera and downright impossible to capture two. What you don't see in this photo are four grown women jumping and dancing all around and making funny noises behind the lens.
Nothing worked, but it was a fun Fall outing anyway. Both trips.