Oh my goodness I could say so much on this topic!

Many of us have seen the Dove campaign for real beauty called "The evolution of beauty" here and it's amazing. If you haven't seen it you should check it out.The video below is really, really amazing as well. Amazing and so true. I could say so very much on this topic but I am in a huge hurry this morning and only have a few minutes for this post. It breaks my heart to think of all the beautiful young girls (and some not so young, and some boys included) going through what they go through to be at a certain weight, look a certain way etc...

I was one of those girls a million years ago. And you know what? So were many of my girlfriends. Of course I like to look good. As a matter of fact I'm going to the beauty parlour this afternoon but I like to be healthy, and feel good on the inside too. I battled eating disorders in my younger years, have been dangerously thin, and in the 80's "diet pills" were big (these were bennies and speed. i'm just sayin').

I frequented tanning beds for years (to the point of getting skin cancer). I'm serious. I still go for yearly skin cancer check ups. I used to starve myself, was bulimic... Looking back I can't even believe it was me! It is truly so bizarre to me now! It sometimes takes years to get comfortable in your own skin but it's important to do whatever you need to do for that to happen (yoga helps a lot ).

So get any and all little girls you know to watch these videos and feel happy in their own skin and love who they are. They, like us are constantly being given these messages to live up to an impossible ideal, and it just couldn't be any more ridiculous.
Don't stop taking care of yourself, (and don't cancel your hair appointment haha)!
(personally I LOVE East Vanity Parlour at 46 Kingsway. You can click here for more info)

Just remember that we're all gorgeous! Cause we really are! And be kind. To yourself and others. That makes you more gorgeous then any make up, diet or plastic surgery ever could.

Gotta fly for now! Have a beautiful day:)