Because we really are very thankful every single day. Even when things aren't going our way. Life is still really good even on the bad days (and could alway be a heck of a lot worse)!
We are both healthy and blessed to do for work, what we would do for free.
And we support each other. Whole heartedly and completely.
Life is always changing, but for now our lives are exactly what we want them to be.It is important to cherish each and every day as things can change at any moment, and will.
I once did a workshop with Nischala Devi. She told us that gratitude brings more Prana into our being. I believe it. Stockpile some Prana this Thanksgiving and remember it's always there for the taking.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones. Even the ones you may be estranged from. Send them love too, for they need it the most.
And feel gratitude deep in your heart, along with some extra Prana ♥
Namaste xo
p.s. no yoga with me on monday.