You Know You're A Mom When-sDaze

You know you're a mom when...
  • You're grateful for any and all naps, no matter how short they may be.
  • A rare GNO is all fun and games until you wake up the next morning hungover and have to care for your tot. Ugh! When will I learn?
  • You will endure episode after episode of Play With Me Sesame and The Backyardigans because they calm your child and the look on his face is pure delight.
  • No matter how many times you triple check the diaper bag, you will forget something absolutely essential.
  • You think to yourself almost on a daily basis "boy, this kid goes through diapers/ shoes/formula/yogurt/puffs etc., etc. fast!".
  • You wonder how on earth you are going to keep up with all the Fall shows. Thank goodness for TiVo!
  • Even though you may think your voice is horrendous, your child doesn't and that's a good thing because you l-o-v-e singing to him.
If you nodded at even one of these, you know you could come up with your own list. Share them with us by linking up at Mommy of a Monster.
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