You Know You're A Mom When-sDaze

You Know You're a Mom when...
  • You still have to psych yourself up to change a really super nasty stinky dirty diaper.
  • Like it or not, multitasking is now second nature and an art form that is sometimes beautiful to watch.
  • You would rather just leave (a restaurant, store, friend's house) than deal with a cranky least there is a possibility that he'll fall asleep on the car ride home.
  • You don't think being a stay at home mom would be that bad, if you had a personal assistant, live-in maid, trainer, driver and cook.
  • You count down the hours until your next date night or girl's night out, just so you can burn off some steam, dress like a lady and enjoy some time off.
  • You believe that putting on a child's shoes has got to require a college degree of some sort. Why is it so difficult?!
  • You are beyond grateful for your fellow mom friends. They are with you in the trenches every day supporting and encouraging you every step of the way and often teaching you a useful tip or trick.
Thank you, Arizona Mama at Our Daze in the Desert for this creating this terrific meme. If you feel like nodding along to lists by other moms just like you, check it out and join along in the fun.

The best is yet to be.