No Complaints Here

Instead of flipping stuff off today, which I enjoy doing oh so much, I thought I would switch gears a little.

Okay, a lot!

On Monday, I blogged about being On My Own for the week while my husband is away on business. We are on Day 4/7 and so far so good. We have gone though a mega-size package of Boogie Wipes, countless boxes of Kleenex and OJ and watched too much television, but we are hanging tough!

On Tuesday, my friend posted this video (Soldiers Surprising Their Loved Ones: PART ONE) on her Facebook page and I haven't been able to shake it from my mind ever since. As I watched it, tears rolled down my face because it put being apart and the challenges of doing it on my own into a whole new perspective.

The men and women that are serve our country deserve our thanks and our respect, but the family that they leave at home deserve that and a whole lot more in my mind, especially the children. They are so young and don't understand the concept of war or death. They know Daddy's hugs and the way he smells and he makes them feel protected.

Just look at these faces when they see their loved one return home. Safely. After months of asking "when's Daddy coming home?" and wondering "is he okay?" and "when will I see him again?"; it's pure joy, utter disbelief, delight and love.

I have NOTHING to complain about!

Happy Friday, everyone. Have a glorious weekend!

The best is yet to be.