Ah, Friday... my favorite day of the week! Time to rid myself of all of the little annoyances I have been experiencing since last Friday. In no particular order, they are:

#1 Hangovers can FLIP the hell right OFF! Oh my goodness I must be getting old, but yesterday's hangover was a doozy! My head hurt, my body ached and I couldn't quench my thirst to save my life. My husband and I had a little too much fun celebrating our three year anniversary on Wednesday night. NOTE TO SELF: Bars on bikes will get you every time.

#2 Okay, all you pet owners... PICK UP AFTER YOUR DOGS, please!!! I walk through my neighborhood almost every day of the week and it's like avoiding landmines out there. Maneuvering around poop is hard enough but 90% of the time I also have a stroller with me. FLIP OFF!!

#3 I don't think I've participated in a Friday Flip Offs without bitching around traffic, so in keeping up with that tradition... I spend a lot of time in the car and on the 5 Freeway and I don't mind driving all that much, but I HATE sitting in traffic, especially unnecessary traffic which 9 times out of 10 involves
Looky-Lous. Aggghhh... FLIP OFF! Move along people, there is nothing to see. For the love of God, just drive!

#4 Last but not least, I'm repeating myself by flipping off the ever UNpopular most detested household chore: l a u n d r y. I hate it!! Flip Off! Go Away! Scram.

Whew, I feel better. Do you?
Thank you to Kludgy Mom for developing this awesomest meme. Gigi, you rock!!

Happy weekend, everyone!

The best is yet to be.