- Your first boat ride across the Sydney Harbor.
- Your first visit to the zoo.
- Your first visit to the ER. :(
- Your first sunrise our first morning in Sydney.
- Your first meal at a restaurant in which nothing came out of the diaper bag except for a bib.
- Acquired another two stamps in your passport.
- Learned that there are television screens in cars, thanks to the taxi driver in Sydney. Your dad and I are hoping you'll forget. Fat chance, right?!
- Know where your belly is and recognize the words "bath", "book", "baby", "bottle", and many more that don't begin with B!
- Pat us on the chest as a form of affection I hope...
- You've had your first of what I fear is many temper tantrums (more on that in a later post).
- You can walk around holding on to furniture and can stand for several seconds without holding on to anything.
- Exclusively wear size 4 diapers and size 12 clothes.
- Climb up the stairs.
- Still have blue eyes.
Next month we will be celebrating your first year and I am going to enjoy every second until then because something tells me that after June 6, you are going to be a very different baby.
Forever and always I believe that the best is yet to be.
Day 72/100