There was a little confusion at last thursday evening's mixed levels class at the Roundhouse as to whether we would be changing rooms beginning this week (therefore restricting/capping class sizes for our beloved tues & thurs classes)
But with the exception of May 4 we get to keep Room B! Yay!
So if you have been coming and were worried that we may be doing one too many "sardine pose" up in multi media, hahaa..worry no more! Not only will you not be turned away, but we also have lots of glorious room in room B!
So go ahead and register! Or drop in. Whatever you choose.
I'll be there waiting for you and there will be a mat with your name all over it ♥
I still have to recommend registering though. It's cheaper, (it ensures you a spot no matter what) and it's always nice to have a consistent date with yourself and your yoga practice each week. Consistency is key with yoga.
Yoga has a multitude of benefits anytime and everytime you practice, so one yoga class per week is certainly amazing. But if you can do more than? Even better!
It's because of that I offer (with the exception of baby & me yoga) two classes per week at both The Roundhouse (if you are downtown/yaletown) and Mt.Pleasant CC (should you be in the east van/mt.pleasant areas)
And all for a special price to make doubling up affordable.
*2X's per week-Mixed Levels Hatha classes are-Tues & Thurs at the Roundhouse-7:30pm-9:00pm
*2X's per week-Daytime Yoga-(mixed levels)classes are- Monday & Wednesday Daytimes at Mt.Pleasant CC from 12:30-2:00pm
To register: http://www.mountpleasantcc.ca or 604-257-3080
*2X's per week-Prenatal Yoga -Roundhouse Tues & Thurs from 5:45-7:15pm
And in addition to those I have a Wednesday evening Prenatal Yoga class at Mount Pleasant CC as well from 6:30pm-7:45pm, (but just the one evening per week.) This class is always full, although I always leave a few spots open for drop in's!
I know that price can be a factor for me in my own yoga practice (as far as getting out to group classes etc.) It's just reality. Yoga isn't cheap.
And now with the HST on top of it...*sigh. (insert long Ujjayi breath here!)
Anyways, although I can't control the HST I am so lucky that I can still keep my classes affordable in spite of it.
Just remember you can not overdo yoga. There is no such thing as too much time on your mat. And the benefits of a home practice can't be overstated..
If you have never thought of rolling out your mat in your living room, give it a go!
Or now that spring is here (well, almost here!) grab a patch of grass at the park, your backyard, the beach...and just go for it!
Just remember that with yoga you are training your mind, body and breath. (whether you are in a group setting or not!)
You are practicing self care in every sense of the word.
And Self Care is where it's at in this hectic world.
We can't control what life throws at us but I think all of us with a strong yoga practice knows just how truly valuable it is to our every day life.
It's impossible for your yoga practice to not spill over into your own life in various wonderous ways. If you are a stranger to yoga I can't encourage you enough to find a class near you and get started.
I have never met a single soul who has regretted time spent on their mat. It is sometimes hard to find the discipline to get to class, but you are never sorry you did. You are always glad that you took the time for your yoga practice. Whether it's 15 minutes or 90.
And if this post is beginning to sound a little too esoteric..
Yoga has some other wonderful benefits/side effects too (such as slowing down the aging process, stress reduction, it gives you a great behind etc.) haha..I feel funny even typing that, but it's true!
But heck, whatever is going to bring you to yoga! And often it is these outer side effects that bring one to yoga in the first place and that is perfectly ok! I mean, who doesn't want to look good and feel good?
Heck, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy the benefits of yoga on my physique.
You not only feel great, but yeah you look pretty good too!
Yoga works virtually ever system of your body, and those benefits are well documented and undisputed. To me yoga is like a trip to the chiropractor, the massage therapist, the physio, and the shrink all in one!
For me each and every yoga class is like a day at the spa that I have given myself.
Of course it is always best to have various body workers/health practitioners/caregivers on hand in this life of course, as yoga can never completely take the place of conventional medicine.
You will never hear me say that. Ever.
So for that reason it is always best to have a Doctors ok should you be pregnant or suffering from any health issues/injuries before starting a yoga practice, or any other form of exercise.
In short: If you are injured, DO NOT come to yoga. Allow yourself to heal first.
Anyways, I am going to fly for now as it is day two of sunshine! (and sadly we never know how long it's going to last this time of year in these parts, so I best take advantage!)
Hope you get a chance to enjoy some of it yourself!
Have a really lovely day!
Hope to see you soon.♥