- Learned to pull yourself up to standing and usually only hold on with one hand.
- Have slammed your pudgy little fingers into drawers and cabinets more than once and gotten yourself stuck under our coffee table and bar stools. I am told that it is all a part of your new found freedom and exploration.
- Recognize puppies, babies, books, the train and of course, mom, dad, aunt Leah and nanny Angel.
- Use sign language to indicate when you are "all done", want "more" and hear the train passing by.
- Love to people watch as much as your dad and I do, which make places like the park and airport do-able.
- Your diet has expanded to include chicken, cheese, kidney beans, lentils, spinach and potatoes.
- Graduated from your first music class and have started a second one.
- Visited the Wild Animal Park.
- Celebrated your first Easter and met the Easter Bunny.
- Have been wearing the Doc Band for 42 days today... we are almost half way there and I am happy to report that it is doing exactly what it's meant to.
- Bounce to music.
- Still have blue eyes.
- Attended your fourth one year old's birthday party.
- Love to knock blocks, or anything will work, together to make noise.
- Hosted your first Mommy & Me play group.
- Can roll a ball back and forth to us.
As a side note, the photo above was taken with my iPhone using a very cool new photography app I downloaded called Hipstamatic. Check it out!
The best is yet to be.
Day 42/100