Hi there beautiful ones!!
(expectant momma's 2nd trimester and up in particular, for this post!)
I just now realized that with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, and schedule changes and what not I have neglected to mention in my classes that the oh-so-lovely Annette Ruitenbeek (Associate Dean of Education of Utopia Academy) has contacted me to let me know that the time for free pregnancy massage is fast approaching once again...and this time and they have space for 20 women! Yippie!
The date is Thursday January 14th 2010. (boy, that feels strange typing 2010....)
And they have two shifts: 1:00pm & again at 3:00pm!
If you have been coming to my Prenatal Yoga classes you are no doubt aware of how quickly these spots get snatched up once I put the word out!
So....get on it!
You deserve it, and it's free!
Utopia Academy trains students to qualify for the College of Massage Therapists of B.C.’s registration exams. They are studying to be RMT's.
The school is located at 220-181 Keefer Place. *To set up an appointment you must email Annette at: annette.ruitenbeek@utopiaacademy.com