blog friends in the park

Wow, how exciting today was! During our trip to Columbus, we met up with some blog friends who live in the area! We met Lily (and her mom) and Allison (and her mom, dad, and 2 brothers). We almost met Drew too, but we missed them by a day!

Our meeting at the park was really fun. All 3 kids are at different stages of the journey. Allison is 6, Lucas has been activated for 6 months, and Lily will be implanted in just a few weeks. We shared our experiences of diagnosis, and the milestones and challenges we've encountered so far. Lily's mom and I got to see a real live, very successful older CI child, and it was really amazing.

Ultimately, we met for the same reason that we read each other's blogs and offer support. We just get each other, and there's no explanation needed. As Nate said when we left the park... "You guys really acted like you already knew each other." Our experiences bring us together as if we've known each other for years.

Thanks for a great day. So glad we could meet you all!