hellooooo there.

greetings from my parent's living room. 
andrey and i did something crazy last week. 
we jumped in our car after only a few hours of weighing our thoughts and drove our family + one slavic-hard-worker-boy and travelled over the mountains. 
andrey and friend have been scaling the eighteen foot walls. painting them a cheery butter yellow while i chase one stoyan boy while nursing another. the house is complete chaos. i am currently tucked in between the dining room hutch and a kitchen table full of what used to be on the walls. 
but it is sweet. and cozy and i've spent a crazy week tagging along with my mama, catching a glimpse of my sisters and just being here. 
back to real life on monday. phone calls to be made. bills to be paid. emails to be replied to. laundry to be done. packages to be sent. 

but for now, i think i'll cozy up into this little nook {between the hutch and kitchen table} for a few days longer.
goodnight loves, 