"oh hiiiyeeee!" he says. first thing in the morning. first thing at 6 am. with every bit of sweet enthusiasm that his 6 pm voice has. i open one eye and in a groggy/gruffy-not-very-sweet voice say, "oh.hi.lukey." and pull the pillow over my head. i take a deep breath, stretch my arms and leggies... and try again. "good morning to lucas!" i say, a bit cheerier. he smiles, does a quick search for his paci under the covers... plugs it in his silly baby lips and snuggles up to me. if i'm lucky he'll snuggle for a couple of hours. i love this. this good morning of ours.
...and then onto our lovely summer day...

sundance catalog arrived today. delish. drooling over these:

and this... oh my... yes... this:

my momma and i can't stop talking about this camper. this camper that costs 24,000 big 'ol smack-a-roos. we want it. and we hope that for the price they're planning on throwing in the pretty little meadow in the background to go with it. oh yeah, and the cherry pie too. we want to know who buys one. because that person is rich... has great taste... and needs us to be their friend. we're probably soul mates. so if you're out there...???? we belong together. you, me and this camper. i'll bring the jars for firefly catching. and wear a twirly dress for dancing under the stars.
the boys are tucked safely in our bed. my regular blog time. it's raining outside. crazy rain. and thunder. lightning. is this dangerous? typing in lightning?
the apron's finally done! it's from amy butler's "in stitches" pattern book. i love it. love the finishing touches. the sweet pocket. the towel loop. i've already made another. thanks go out to my super model sister jade aka june cleaver. this ones already been folded up sweetly, wrapped in pretty tissue paper and given away. someday i'll keep something for myself... or start charging folks. i'll accept fabric as payment... ha!
good night loves, lin

p.s. my little lindsay finger has healed in super human time. i let my momma use secret herb remedies and i snuck it in some good fresh air. a good 'ol chunk is missing though. silly finger of mine. what an ordeal that was. happy to report that all pretty fabric was spared.