tensions run high in the stoyan portion of this larson house. we are way passed tired and grouchy. disorganized. frustrated. and on completely diffrent pages. i know it's because we need our own space. i think everyone in this house is feeling a bit cramped. we all want to stretch our leggies and freedoms a bit. i got all dolled up tonight to go out and eat wings and watch the game with A*love...lucas couldn't hold still. the jazz were LOSERS. we were short with eachother. bad date. lonely night. try again tomorrow? keep on keepin' on. yes. try again tomorrow.
i bought myself 15 minutes of peace and quiet yesterday at target for 49 bucks. it came in the shape of a little tykes cozy coupe. it took me one wal-mart trip and four diffrent targets before i finally got my mitts on one. crazy things a mama will do for a

i'm tired. everyone is sleeping but me. i had such inspiring and compelling things to say but nothing good seems to be flowing out of me at the moment...so off i'll go to put myself to bed. try this again tomorrow? yup.