"restless little one" -foo fighters

my mind is blank. seriously. such a tired little birdie. i've spent the day running upstairs gathering things up to run them down-down-downstairs. then back up again. we're moving our things into the new basement house/home. it's really sweet and cozy down there. a fresh clean palette with lots of living in it to be done. my little lukey is so fast asleep. i think his legs were still running when his eyes finally closed for the night. for a few hours anyways. such a tired little birdie, i am. not much chirping for me to do on here tonight. going to go tuck myself in and cuddle up good. love, lin
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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"crazed monkey for a camera man" -jessie

**p.s. jessie-dear, this quote... the monkey quote. it's from a journal entry of yours you shared with me once. i've got it tucked safely away in my storage unit for now...but that's miles and miles and boxes away from me right now and i need that quote. my brain is missing it. puh-lease send it to me**

p.p.s. with all the birthday party projects over with i'm a bit anxious to get my hands into some new creations. i'm thinking i'll make a bag to put my sewing machine in, a new purse, a quilt for my very own self to snuggle up in, a couple of drawstring bags to organize luc's toys, patch up two pairs of *A-loves* pants, and... send out sweet creative treats (i'm not quite sure what yet)to whoever posts me a comment/love note on this post. serious. send me some love guys! i know you're out there! i'll need your addresses too. i was telling rox-ana-banana that i'm bringing real mail back. starting with these little surprises. he!