where on earth have i been?!! our little family has been in battle with a killer cold. it keeps on comin' round. i think we might just be passing it back and forth to eachother and then back again. sore throat, cough, ear aches... the whole mess. poor little luc. such a tough cookie. here he is taking a little nap with his auntie. rosy cheeks and all. poor kid. hey! i think i see little presley tucked in there too!

LOVE IS SO IN THE AIR! i love valentines day. we've kicked it up a notch at our house this year. the entire family including a few extras made mailboxes this year.

they are already full to the brim with tons of sweet treats. did i already say how much i love this holiday? andrey will wake up to a sweet surprise. luc and i drove all the way to the orem krispie kreme to get him the heart shaped donuts for breakfast in the morning. i stayed up late tonight to work on my little one's valentine. i found him this super comfy cotton long sleeve t-shirt and used transfer paper to add some love.

i've been working on my valentines all week. they all safely made it to the post office, but i'm afraid some will arrive a bit late. me...oh so good at procrastinating. oh well.
it's been a busy crafty week. got faith's tea party invites out and made sweet amelia a birthday cd surprise. it's loaded up with some real goodies. a little kasey chambers, a little cat power. i hope she loves it.

lucas and i drove up to wyoming for the weekend with my mom to have a quiet night at grams. andrey called two or three times on our ride up to ask me what i'd done with his ipod shuffle. it's such a little thing and seems to get lost a lot! i just kept telling him that it was in our room somewhere and couldn't just walk out of there on its own. after turning the place upside down he finally just gave up the search. when we arrived safely in wyoming i hauled in all of our stuff and laid luc down to change him. TA DA! found the ipod. not joking. that silly little creature had stashed it in his diaper. we had a good laugh and called his dad to tell him the news. luc had such fun at grams just roaming free. he got into anything and everything that wasn't a toy.

we spent a fun day last week with lace and baby hope in orem. and a quick visit over to gina's. i'll be getting to work here pretty quick on g's wedding invites. i'm so excited to do them for her.
so that's the low-down on us. we're pretty silly around here...but life is good. i was so thankful to be at the dinner table tonight celebrating nat's birthday. so thankful that we were all there safe and sound. the scary violence at trolley square the other night shook us up a bit over here. my mom and i had been meaning to get over there to pick out our valentine's and luc needs a new towel from PBkids. we've spent several a dinner at the spaghetti factory and i am so thankful that last night we were all safely home. my heart is full... and a bit sad for the tragic-ness of it all. such senseless violence needs us all to counteract it with a whole ton of random kindness. hug the ones you love a bit tighter tonight. loves. so much loves. -lin